[急需作文事例!要写分享话题的作文作文事例连想数日]你有过快乐吗?你有过忧愁吗?你快乐忧愁时曾经想过和朋友分享吗? 我,刚在世四千七百多个日夜,就早已学会了分享快乐和忧愁。真的,这就是我的幸福。 记得一个星期天,在家玩足球的我,一...+阅读
“'No pains, no gains',if you want to be successful ,you must work hard .”This is told by my senior English teacher , and also it's the first that I heard in English class . Until now , I still remembered .
As a college student , everyone must experienced a hardship period , especial the three years in high school . We feel pains , and we have gains . In order to take our university dreams become a reality , we had to study all day almost , that's to say the time that can be used to sleep is only four hours . The following day we would do a great deal of papers and remembered lots of words from morning to night , and others . Even though we extremely tired , we never surrendered . The fact proved that our efferts were not in vain , we were admitted to university we dreamed . From now on , I began to believe not to move or retreat this truth : No pains, no gains .
As is known to us , the sky will not fall out,that means no investment , no gain we'll have . We never see there is a person who can get succeeded without pays . The thing itself will not to chang towards good direction , only the action we take can change . Thereby , in the eve of victory , what is absolutely exist are some pains—our investments .
To believe or not to believe , if you want a good future , you should make pains . Born in misery , died of happiness , no pains, no gains .
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