[大家帮我找找演讲稿聆听历史唱响青春]各位领导、各位评委、各位青年朋友们:大家好!我叫XXX,很高兴能够和大家一起探讨追求卓越,奉献青春,这个话题,今天我要演讲的题目是《甘于奉献,点燃烈火青春》。 让青春烈火燃烧永恒...+阅读
The society is a big family, our each people all are member. Theunity, the cooperation, the friendly affection are the life essentialmoral character, only has has this kind of outstanding quality, we canthe organic synthesis, take on construct the motherland the heavyresponsibility, the society can harmoniously develop. The schoolmates, let our more than 1 show loving concern, the few somedisputes, more than 1 true feelings, the few some contradictions, letin the life not the harmonious note entirely vanish, let us use theunity cooperation to play the wonderful symphony! Let our society, ourcampus fills the harmony, lets our each schoolmate grow healthy andstrong in the harmonious environment. Let everybody in this warm big family the joyful hug, lets us feel thehuman nature good exchanging, the frequent dear ones intercourse letsus not be excited already. This kind of sensation often in mine heartstatic flow... ... As the new generation of elementary student, we should altogetherconstruct harmonious social in the appeal in the big environment,diligently learns the scientific knowledge at the same time, unitesthe friendly affection with the national schoolmates, mutually helpsthe cooperation, lets flower of the national spread over a wide areamotherland each quoin.
有关于唱响青春唱响校园演讲稿吗偶尔间,发明我们已步入了那道令老年人爱慕、中年人迷恋、少年人憧憬的青东风景线。磅礴着青春的热血,弥漫着青春的热情。然而友人,你是否探究、考虑过,青春是什么呢? 青春是一团...
征求关于感恩奉献爱情为主题演讲稿人生需要学会欣赏 茫茫人海,滚滚红尘,回眸四望,欣赏是一道绝美的风景,一隅人人渴望、四季相宜、风味独特的景观。学会欣赏,你便懂得享受;学会欣赏,你便拥有快乐;学会欣赏,你便走近幸...
给我一篇短小精悍的演讲稿吧!我今天讲话的主题是“做遵纪守法的学生”。 先听这样一个例子:前不久,广州新华市华润化妆品厂发生特大火灾爆炸事故,当场烧死11人,损失9.8万多元,惨剧原因是该厂违法使用大量易燃...
跪求关于奥运或是关于抗震英雄的演讲稿PS:要短一点的!短小精学抗震英雄做自强少年 演讲稿 在汶川特大地震灾难发生之后,灾区广大少年儿童面对巨大的伤痛和磨难,表现出超常的勇气和力量,涌现出一大批临危不惧、坚强勇敢、勇于救人的少年英...
关于英语演讲:3分钟演讲稿内容积极向上短小精悍How to Improve MY English Learning English can be a very difficult task for most people, this is because we don't live in a environment where we are forced to s...
初中生演讲稿一篇俗话说:“台上一分钟,台下十年功。”如果一个人很有成就,不是别人给予的,更不是从天上掉下来的。是靠自己的努力、勤奋争取的。才能主要来自勤奋学习是不可猜疑的。 每一个人的...
急需一篇关于奋斗的演讲稿奋斗成就梦想 奋斗是种子冲破泥土的冲劲;奋斗是流水冲击岩石的动力;奋斗是阳光撒满大地的精华;奋斗是火箭直冲云霄的硕果. 生活在社会中,我们不应安于现状,对现在所拥有或所期盼...
谁能告诉我如何写努力奋斗的演讲稿大家如何为自己的理想去努力奋斗呢? 我个人的体会是,首先要坚持既定目标;其次要付诸实际行动;同时要发扬拼博精神。 一、坚持“既定目标” 1、制订好“长期目标”:明确自已对人生...