[高三班主任激励学生演讲稿]亲爱的同学们: 高三的天空是碧空万里,霞光绚丽,没有乌云,没有雷霆,没有暴风雨;高三的道路是一马平川,金光大道,没有崎岖,没有泥泞,甚至没有尘土飞扬;高三的河流是波澜不惊,水平如镜,没...+阅读
Good morning, to one and all. Its my honor to stand before you to speak a few words. Time is both precious and irreversible. One can always wait for it, but never hold it forever. This, is the high time of your life. Each and every second weigh more than gold. This, is what you should hold most dear at this very moment of your life. Keep your head straight for only a single thought: my future, my dream! Because its all your attitude that matters. Believe in your dreams, believe in yourselves. Then you are half the way there. Nothing can beat you.Everyone's the strongest when they have a faith, a belief, a strong mind! Think about your good life thereafter. Think about the bright things going to happen to you. Yes. So you have to workhard NOW. Wont you hope to spend only a hardworking year in exchange of your cosy life then on? I think yes, you will, and you wish to. Just one year, only one year, you will have all what you want! Come on! (我也是高三学生 :P)
急!100分跪求原创高三百日誓师演讲稿!高三百日誓词(2009-02-25 15:05:04)标签:杂谈 亲爱的同学们: 春天好!我谨代表高三全体教师向同学们致以春天的祝福。 金鸡破春,艳阳照天,清风送爽,万物萌生。紫气氤氲间你意奋发,绿柳...
如何把自己激励成英语和演讲高手1。学英语的始终不变的原则:坚持,勤奋, 没有这个原则,不要学去,有了这个,学会很简单 多读,多听,多写 拿自己感兴趣的英语文章读去,单词不会了去查,语法起码要稍懂一点 看完文章,再看,再...
跪求激励高三生的英语演讲Good morning, to one and all. Its my honor to stand before you to speak a few words. Time is both precious and irreversible. One can always wait for it, but nev...
一篇英语演讲关于激励人你好,解析如下:励志英语演讲 As you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds...
有没有初一学生激励初三高三的演讲稿高三学生激励演讲稿 当第18支蜡烛点燃的时候,我们要面临崭新的挑战——高考。你准备好了吗? 忙碌的工作,繁多的学习,沉重的压力……如果你只是做好了这点觉悟,那是远远不够的。我...
跪求!高三第一次考试成绩进步演讲稿!亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 我想借此机会跟大家谈谈梦想是如何激励我奋斗的。 曾经有一名文学家说过:“梦想的人是 失败的人”。这句话一直铭记在我心里。我 一名 的人,从小就 上大...
跪求!英语演讲稿带翻译As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for internatio...
急 100分跪求原创高三百日誓师演讲稿高三百日誓词(2009-02-25 15:05:04)标签:杂谈 亲爱的同学们: 春天好!我谨代表高三全体教师向同学们致以春天的祝福。 金鸡破春,艳阳照天,清风送爽,万物萌生。紫气氤氲间你意奋发,绿柳...