
五年级的My week

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小学五年级五一作文]小学五年级五一作文(1) 五一狂欢节 五一妈妈给我放了整整一天的假。只玩不写作业。今天我们和另一家朋友一起去了深圳的笔架山玩儿。 他们一大早来到我家,一开始说是去红树林。...+阅读

你好!My weekIt's Sunday today. I went to my friend Tom's home. We did our homework first.After that, we watched TV and listened to Music. Tom said he wanted to play basketball.We went to basketball playground. I saw many people there. We played together. I felt very happly. I love my week.希望能够帮到你!...


年级作文艰难的选择年级作文 艰难的选择 今天是课外语文班最后一次课,杨老师让我们每个人写出自己生命中最重要的五项东西。于是,教室里边的气氛活跃起来,同学们相互交流着自己写的内容。我写的...

年级作文读书的乐趣年级作文 读书的乐趣 “又是一年芳草绿”,中国一年一度的传统节日清明节到了。我们中国人都会回老家扫墓、祭拜和踏青。 大家知不知道清明节的来历呀?如果想的话就认认真真...

年级关于夏天的作文年级关于夏天的作文 人人都有自己喜欢的季节。或许是生机勃勃的春天,或许是果实累累的秋天,或许是雪花纷纷的冬天。而我最喜欢的却是赤日炎炎的夏天。 清晨的湖湾中,“绿胖子...

年级作文五一见闻年级作文 五一见闻5月1日那天,天气十分凉爽。风,柔柔地吹;枝头悠悠地闪。春天的使者——风,轻悄悄地走来我又往下走了,前两天天热得发了狂,太阳火辣辣的,天空像是一只大鸟的丰满...

五分钟英语演讲稿 My dreamToday,Im very glad to stand here to share my dream with you. Everyone has dream. Some people wan to be rich,dreaming of millionaires overnight,other want to be...

小学五年级英语说课稿《my days of the week一、说教材 1.教材分析 本节课是人教版《小学英语》五年级上册第二单元B部分中的Lets learn, Lets chant, Lets talk 及Pair work中的内容,其中Lets learn部分是在A部分Letsl...

中学生五分钟英语演讲稿 My dreamToday,im very glad to stand here to share my dream with you. Everyone has dream. some people wan to be rich,dreaming of millionaires overnight,other want to be...

要一篇3分钟的演讲稿题目My friend小学五年级Li Yan,my best friend,is my classmate. She has big eyes. Her long hair is often plained.Sweet smile is often on her face,which makes her more lively. LiNan is v...

my favourite person五分钟演讲MY favourite person isn't a great man or a pop star.It is undeniable that they are quite prowess,still,my favourite person are not them, the persons around me a...
