

03月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[寒假作文传统节日]寒假作文 传统节日 我国的传统节日可真多啊!有春节,元宵节,中秋节等等等等。其中,我最喜欢的就是春节了。 同学们,你们知道春节的来历吗?哈哈!让我白婧彤神探来告诉你们吧!故事要开...+阅读


Mid-autumn is a traditional festival in China.It's also called Autumn festive,August festival,daughters festival,or Reunion festival and so on.It's often on August 15th in lunar calendar every year,but in some places,it's on the 16th August,such as Ningbo,Taizhou and Zhoushan. Mid-autumn day is thought to be the best festival with human touch or interest and poetic sentiment and mood of a painting.It's a reunion festival,on the day,people always miss close relatives and friends.Wherever they are,they always go home to see their parents and brothers and sisters,or their wife or husband and their children.The people who are in far away also give a call to the persons they are concerning with. On this day,people often eat moon cake,nuts and some special food.And in some places,the days before Mid-autumn day,they do the rabbits with wheat,which stangd of peace and reunion.On the evening,family members or friends always stay together to watch the moon as eating moon cake and nuts,or as talking each other happily


Now,the time Iis very happy .why? Today is zhongqioujie .Do you happy? I tink you is veryhappy . Yes?da jia hao

zhongqiujie kuai le

wo dai le 3 kuai yue bing,xiang dang yu wo dai lesan kuai biao,tong su de lai jiang jiu shi san ge dai biao.

dai biao wo de peng you xiang da jia wen hao,zhuni men hao hao chi fan,tian tian shui jiao.zao ri zhang pang,yi bian huan jieshi chang shang XXXX de ya li.

wo dai biao wo de yuan gong xiang ni men wen haole. tong zhi men xin ku la! wei ren min fu wu!

wo dai biao ni xiang wo shuo:

happy zhong qiu!

qing guzhang!


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