

03月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我最喜爱的明星]Hello!Every classmate! I am very glad that I can stand here today, my English isnt very well, but I he participated in this speech , the reason is that this topi...+阅读


精卫是一种小鸟,长着花脑袋、白嘴壳、红足爪,形状有点像乌鸦,住在北方的发鸠山上。发鸠山是一座很高很大的山,山上有很多的石子和树枝。精卫鸟经常从发鸠山上衔起一粒小石子,或是一截小树枝,展翅高飞到东海,在波涛汹涌的海面上飞翔,将石子或树枝从高空投下来,想把大海填平。 大海狞笑着嘲讽精卫:“哼,你这小小的鸟儿,就算忙上千年万年万万年,也别想把我填平!” 精卫则在高空坚定地答复大海:“我就是干到世界末日,也要把你填平!” “你为什么这样恨我呢?” “因为你夺去我年轻的生命,将来还会有许多年轻的生命被你无故夺去。” 这是怎么回事?精卫的生命是怎样被大海夺去的呢? 原来,精卫的前身叫做女娃,是太阳神炎帝的女儿。有一天,女娃驾着一只小船,到东海云游玩。

不幸的是,海上起了恶浪,恶浪把小船打翻,女娃就被淹死了。 女娃死后,她的灵魂就变成了一只小鸟,这只小鸟就叫精卫。为了不让大海再夺去其他无辜的生命,精卫就发誓把大海填平。但是一只小鸟的力量毕竟有限,为了壮大自己的力量,精卫就和海燕结成配偶,繁衍后代,让自己的精神世世代代流传下去,以继续填海的事业,直到把大海填平为止。精卫和海燕生下的孩子,雌的就像精卫,雄的就像海燕。...

求英语演讲稿范文:The most important ting in your

Friendship is significance in our whole life, do you think so ? Your parents,sisters, brothers and wifehusband could departure somedayBut friendship never like themOnce you were born until die,you can make friends everyday and everywhereBecause you can not leave friendsWe also say that friendship is water and air Once it leave you,you may thought very lonely Frist,friendship looks like a whole life's richness when we were kids, we make a lot of partner to play Now I can look bacd upon so many intersting things They were carved on my memoryIf we were old,we still have lots of friends to playeg:play card, chest,taijiquan exc Certainly in our middle life is gold periodBecause your friend can help you about your work,marry,education Second, friendship is all-purpose bridgeDo you notice that lots lf parent,teachers are looked friends by , so chillren very love them very much ,in their mind parents and teachers were not only their elder As an easy-going person ,you can have lots of friends.


Almost all material things here on earth can be bought with money. Money is a medium of exchange to acquire any services or material things that we want or need. For many people, money is everything. They believe that having a lot of money can bring them to the satisfaction of which they have dreamed. That's how powerful is money. It can control the mind of an individual. Many people, because of their obsession to have more money will do anything, even if they have to transfigure people into objects to acquire what they really want. That is why in our economy today, the rich become richer, and the poor become poorer. How sad it is to know that kind of reality.


1分钟英语演讲稿1、Beauty Beauty usually refers to what appeals to the eye. A nice and well built girl is regarded as beautiful. A bunch of vigorous flowers are also considered...

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我最感动的事三分钟演讲稿俗话说:江山好移,本性难改。的确,要一个人改掉长久的习惯 不是那么容易的。我就有这么一个根深蒂固的怪习惯——看一个陌生 人,只要他给我的第一印象不好,我就不可能在再对这个人...


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