

04月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[在大学2011届毕业典礼上的发言]你们好! 首先,我要向2011届的所有毕业生们表示衷心的祝贺。祝贺你们顺利地完成了大学四年的学习任务,更要祝贺你们即将带着梦想和本领步入社会,真正地长大成人了! 临别之际,我知道...+阅读


We have studied in this beautiful school for three years. We will remember it for ever. Our teachers always try their best to make their lessons lively and interesting. After-school activities are rich and colourful. We have fun taking part in them. We have learned a lot. We have also made great progress. We want to thank our teachers and parents for their support and help. / We are grateful to our teachers and parents for their support and help. I wish our school more beautiful and all of us a wonderful future.








Hello,boys and girls,

It's my pleasure to stand here for communicating.

Everyone of you must have began your English-study-histories early when you were still a baby,but as for me,the frist time I touch English book I was already as "old" as you.

Do you like English?Yes?No? hehe ,I like English . Do you know why? Because I like reading fairy tales. I finished my reading on all chinese fairy tales,however,I need more.So I went to liberaries to find Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen and so on.

Most of you want high grades in your English coures ,right?I think, interesting is the best teacher .

but,I'll still tell you another 2 ways to study English well.

If you want a fluent oral English,that to say, you can express what you want others know,you can do like this:Go to the bookstore,pick one English tape you like best,no matter songs or passages.And then ,enjoy yourselves in following the tape.If you keep doing like this, your oral English may better than Liyang.

If your oral English is good enough, you can try this way:buy a diary,and write something in it everyday.You can record things you have done or useful expressions you found.This is a very efficient way to remember words.

Okay,these are all I want to say ,try your best to study English! Good luck and you are the best!


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