act on us, creating situations and relationships that we regard as fate, when they are, in fact, simply our unconscious minds manifesting in the external world. As a result, we may not even be aware that we are carrying the burden of a poverty mentality, and we may wonder why we are not manifesting abundance, especially if we know we deserve it. If this is the case, it may be time to look deeper within to see if we can discover the obstacle inside ourselves. In order to evolve, it is important that we examine the contents of our minds and hearts and get
Exam papers, as the evaluation of students' grasp of the academic knowledge, has been bothered student over the past decade. In order to pass the unit of study, they have to score the more than half marks of the final exam. The issue whether the exam represents the ability of the student associated with this trend becomes contentious. Some believe that exams can completely present the level of understanding of what the students are taught, others, however, disagree, referring to the limitation of the exam paper. Personally, i totally agree with the later position. The reasons are twofold.First of all, exams questions cannot cover the entire knowledge throughout the whole semesters. It is an irrefutable fact that exam papers are constituted with limited questions, ranging from 25 to 50. As a semester's task for the student, it should not be demonstrated within simply 50 questions. Despite, for certain subject, the written knowledge may be incredibly narrow, the capabilities acquired by the student through the entire semester could be not articulated. Such as: the presentation and interview skill.Further and even more importantly, though, as a matter of the fact, the exams can be passed by plagiarism. Some students did not attend the lectures or tutorials, only crammed for the exam for several days and nights, and as a consequence, they passed the final exams and thereby passing the subject. More disturbing, some cheating technology has been advanced with the increased of the information technology, with which students even do not need the cramming process, simply take some notes or wear a mini-earphone, they can get A level (highest level of evaluation) for any of the subject they choose. By way of conclusion, I believe that the exam can not present the abilities of students completely, but at the current stage, there is no prefect evaluation method than the exams, due to the time constraints and the vast number of evaluated students. Admittedly, I certainly believe that this issue is likely to become even more important in the future as the advancing of technology.
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