[急需一篇英文演讲稿]Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I'm very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it , and found...+阅读
Knowledge is power As a popular saying goes, knowledge is power. With our country developing fast, the importance of knowledge is becoming more and more obvious to us all. In the very first place, with knowledge, one can easily find jobs. It is often said that we are entering a new age of information, and knowledge plays a key role in this age. For example, if one wants to work in IT field, one needs to improve his knowledge constantly. What's more, knowledgeable people can get quick promotion in their work. As is often the case, a person in charge of an organization is the one who has most knowledge. In addition, more knowledge is also needed to make our life rich and fulfilled. Accordingly, we must try hard to acquire as much knowledge as we can. Luckily, a lot of means may enable us to do so. Among other things, web proves the best and fastest way to get information.
'I love you - not only for what you are, but for what I am
When I am with you.
'I love you - not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what
You are making of me.
'I love you for the part of me that you bring out; I love you
For putting your hand into my heaped-up heart and passing over
All the foolish, weak things that you can't help dimly seeing there,
And for drawing out into the light all the beautiful belongings
That no one else had looked quite far enough to find.
'I love you because you are helping me to make of the lumber of my life
Not a tavern but a temple; out of the works of my every day -
Not a reproach but a song.
'I love you because you have done more than any creed could have done
To make me good, and more than any fate could have done
To make me happy...'
“我爱你——不只因为你的样子;还因为 和你在一起时;我 的样子。
“我爱你——不光因为你为我而做的事;还因为 为了你;我能作成的事。
“我爱你;因为你能唤出;我最真的那部分。我爱你;因为你穿越我心灵的旷野;如同阳光穿透水晶那般容易。我的傻气 我的弱点;在你的目光里几乎不存在。而 我心里最美丽的地方;却被你的光芒照的通亮;别人都不曾费心走那么远……
关于英文诗歌 green sleeves
"Greensleeves" is a traditional English folk song and tune, a ground of the form called a romanesca. A broadside ballad by this name was registered at the London Stationer's Company in 1580 as "A New Northern Dittye of the Lady Greene Sleeves". It then appears in the surviving A Handful of Pleasant Delights (1584) as "A New Courtly Sonnet of the Lady Green Sleeves. To the new tune of Green sleeves." The tune is found in several late 16th century and early 17th century sources, such as Ballet's MS Lute Book and Het Luitboek van Thysius, as well as various manuscripts preserved in the Cambridge University libraries. 呵呵,我只知道这些了,希望能有一些帮助。。 =]
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国旗下讲话演讲稿急需急需老师们,同学们:早上好!再过两周就是3月12日了,这是我国的“全民植树节”。 我们中华民族自古就有“爱树、育树”的传统。爱白杨的挺拔,爱垂柳的柔美。爱松树不屈的风骨。除626169...
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