[挑战与机遇同行]尊敬的各位领导、同志们: 大家好! 七月,恰似秋影涌动的红霞,托举伟业的光辉如期而至。当90支蜡烛为党的生日点燃之际,我镇全体共产党员在这里举行隆重的集会,共同庆祝中国共产党...+阅读
Opportunities and challenges with the coming of globalization Globalization is a historical process, referring to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through trade and financial flows and the movement of people and knowledge across international borders. With the coming of globalization, it brings us both opportunities and challenges. Greater interconnectedness among the world's people seems to promise a “global village” in which the destructive antagonisms of the past can be left behind, replaced by global cooperation and enriching diversity. Global markets offer grater opportunity of people to tap into more and large markets around the world. It means that they can have access to more capital flows, technology, cheaper imports, and larger export markets. As globalization has progressed, living standards, particularly when measured by broader indicators of well-being, have improved significantly in virtually all countries. But the actual experience of globalization has not fulfilled such promise as above. Instead, it has given us more poor people than the world has ever know and increased threats to the environmental conditions on which humans life itself depends. It has led many to fear the loss of hard-won social and environmental protections and even of meaningful self-government. And the markets do not necessarily ensure that the benefits of increased efficiency are shared by all. Also the strongest gains have been made by the advanced countries and only some of the developing countries. Globalization is both irreversible and, in its present form, unsustainable. What will come after it is far from determined. Countries must be prepared to embrace the policies needed, and in the case of the poorest counties may need the support of the international community as the do so.
英语作文:高一年级将举办每年一度的英语演讲比赛Dear friends,I am very glad that we are going to hold English Speaking Competition annually today. The chief aim of holding the English Speaking Competition is...
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有谁能给我一篇励志的英语演讲稿带翻译!要音频Pain past is pleasure.过去的痛苦即快乐。All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事必先难后易。Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成...
谁能给个关于理想奋斗青春的演讲稿只要其中一个方面就行青春理想演讲稿——用青春吹响奋进的号角 青春,是我们一生中最美丽的季节,她孕育着早春的生机,展现着盛夏的热烈,暗藏着金秋的硕实,昭示着寒冬的希望!充满诗意而不缺乏拼搏的激情,...
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