

05月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[全国中小学安全宣传教育日演讲稿]同学们、老师们: 大家好! 今天是三月最后一周的星期一,是全国第十六个全国中小学安全宣传教育日。今年宣传教育日的主题是:强化安全意识,提高避险能力。 校园安全与我们每个师生...+阅读



i love books

good morning, everybody!

a great man named john milton once said,“a good book is the precious life-blood

of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured

up on purpose to a life beyond life.”

i love books. i love adventure books because i like to meet new challenges. i love detective or mystery books because i want to learn to solve problems or mysteries. i want to read biographies of the famous people because i want to absorb their wisdom and learn how to be a successful person. i want to read romantic books because they kindlle the passion in my heart. i laugh. i cry. i sigh. i worry

with the main characters from each book. i like science fictions because they take me to wherever i could think of.

books, books, i love books. if i have a little money, i would buy books. that' me!

boys and girls, let's love books because they make us so smart.



Every weekdays,we always meet our teachers.Teachers are our mothers in the school.They teach us a lot of knowledge and tell us how to be a person.So we should respect our teacher.I get on well with my teachers every day,so I'll tell you some advice.For example If you want to give some thanks to your teachers,not only give some presents to your teachers.You should work hard at all subjects.This is the presentthat the teachers like best,If you have some trouble with your teacher,don't be angry with her/him, explain it patiently.I think your teacher weill agree with you.If you do like this .you'll get on well with your teacher.


You Cook Better Now Than BeforeRobert is twenty-six and works in a middle school .Two and a half years ago he was ill in hospital and there he knew a beautiful nerse called Ann .The girl took care of him and he made friends with her .They loved each other .About six months later they married .Robert likes reading .When he comes home ,he always reads some newspapers or books .Ann begins to cook in the kitchen .And when the meat is roasted ,she always tells her husband to cut it in two .Then they begin have supper together .After supper they go out for a walk ,or they go to the cinema .And they enjoy themselves.One day Robert planted trees with his students .They climed up a mountain and worked hard .When he got home ,he felt hungry .His wife roasted a piece of chicken that evening and told him to cut it .This time he chose a bigger piece of chicken for himself and gave her the smaller one .“I remember ,dear ,”Ann said with a smile .“When we married ,you always gave me the bigger meat .Why do you give me the smaller meat to me now ?”Robert felt shy and didn't know what to say .He thought for a while and said ,“You cook better now than before .”罗伯特是在一个中学工作,今年26岁.两年半前他生病住院,他认识了一个漂亮的护士叫安.女孩照顾他,后来他们成为朋友了.他们彼此深爱着对方.六个月后他们结婚了.罗伯特喜欢读书.他回家时,他总是读一些报纸或书籍.安开始在厨房做饭.当肉烤好后,她总是告诉她丈夫把它切成两半.然后他们开始一起吃晚饭.晚饭后,他们出去散步,或他们去他们享受自己的电影.一天,罗伯特和他的学生们种植树木.他们爬上了山,很辛苦.当他回到家时,他感到饿了.他的妻子晚上烤一块鸡肉,并告诉他切成两块.这次他选择了更大块鸡给自己,给了她一个比较小的.“我记得,亲爱的,”安笑着说.“我们结婚的时候,你总是给我更大块的肉.现在你为什么给我小肉呢?“罗伯特感到很害羞,不知道说什么.他想了一会儿,说,“你做得比以前更好了.“


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