
英语演讲:my favortie

07月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语演讲:My dream]Dreams are the wind for our sails on the ocean. Dreams kindle a flame to illuminate our dark roads. Dreams are the armor for our fragile hearts. Martin Luther K...+阅读

英语演讲:my favortie

my favorite book

As a student, we have study for many years. During there years, we study Chinese, English, science and so on. In this period, with the improvement of our knowledge, we not only read the books in class but also read extracurricular after school. In my opinion Dream of the red chamber is the best book I have read. In this book, the great author Cao xueqin his view about love. He had firmly faith in what is the true love and try to tell us that there are different kinds of love, only one kind which should be considered as True Love.

In a dream, and under mythical circumstances, the main character of the novel, Jia baoyu, met the Fairy Disenchantment in the Land of Illusions. She showed him three "registers" each containing the names and "the happenings in life" of 12 girls in his clan. Each girl represents a kind of love.

From the stories which are unfolding in the novel, the reader should know the characteristics of the different kinds of love, and should be able to distinguish True Love from the other kinds.

True love is acceptance, committal, mutual and without any post conditions. The love between Lin daiyu and Jia baoyu is considered to be True Love. Just saying or hearing I love you is not good enough because talk is cheap. Action in mutual commitment is essential, as we can see in the novel.

We always have dreams. What's ours dream? Do you know what you exactly want? And do you work hard for it. In this book, you can taste the feeling of the author about his strong will. In his words, you can find the charm of Chinese. It is not a book, but a precious deposits. You can get a lot from it. But unfortunately, the novel was never "completed" to such a state. On the other hand, maybe, it is another kind of beauty of the book. If you have not read this book yet, just go and read it. You will love it.


I like reading, I in the primary school of the "blue and black", "the stars the moon the sun", "three kingdoms", "water", "YueChuan engraved" to read. In high school graduation before, and I put the qiong precious jade of small book, on the market such as martial arts novels see nine times out of ten. In college, I as far as possible will Taiwan can find the translated literature and philosophy classic see a similar, but then to my major inbook instead see much, university summer vacation, I will find some British penguin press of the original English novel see some.After graduation from the university, because the relationship between work, but also because of interest relationship, for enterprise management related magazine writing some articles, in order to meet monthly of an article ? pressure原文:我喜欢看书,我在小学的时候就把《蓝与黑》、《星星月亮太阳、《三国演义》、、《精忠岳传》给看完了。

在高中毕业以前,我又把琼瑶的小书、市面上的武侠小说等看了十之八九。在大学时,我尽可能的将台湾可以找到的翻译文学与哲学名著看了个差不多,但那时对我的主修〈企业管理〉的书反而看得不多,大学暑假时,我也会找一些英国企鹅出版社出版的英文原文小说看了一些。 大学毕业后,因为工作的关系,也因为兴趣的关系,为企业管理相关的杂志撰写一些文章,为了应付每月一篇文章的压力,我必须读遍市面上有关企业管理的书。后来,从事房地产业,我又经常发表房地产的文章与当房地产顾问公司的教学老师,因此我又看了许多房地产的书。这几年在做城市与乡村规划的工作,我也看了许多相关的书,后来在大陆东南大学(原中央大学)修城市规划方面的博士,到现在已是写论文的阶段,因此也看了一堆城市规划的书。

我个人喜欢历史、文学、哲学、地理与科学,因此也看了很多这方面的书;妻子小圆念社会学研究所时,我也陪着她念了许多〈社会学〉的书。 我在早年从事房地产业,先后在台湾的许多地方、大陆的许多地方、美国的洛杉矶、马来西亚的沙巴、泰国的曼谷等地从事过房地产的规划、开发兴建与销售、企画等工作,因此跑过上述许多地方。后来我帮中华征信所撰写一本台湾商圈导览,因此跑遍了台湾三百多个乡镇。这几年为政府从事城乡规划的工作,也将金门、马祖、澎湖各岛又走了几遍。为了研究大陆的城市,我走过大陆的一百多个城市。为了研究欧洲的城市,我去过欧洲的许多国家。为了研究美国的城市,我也去过美国的许多州。为了研究新加坡,我前前后后也去过新加坡几十次。

我常年从事商业不动产的规划工作,因此每年透过美国的Amazon公司购买大量的有关商业及购物中心的书在阅读。为了读东南大学的博士,我也大量的阅读了许多中国大陆出版的书。 有钱时,我大量的买书,没钱时我就跑到大书店里,每次呆上几个小时,且练习学会速读,可以平均每十分钟翻完一本不太重要的书,一个下午总要看个几十本书。现在买书,都是透过各地的网络书店,先行订购,书送到我家附近的便利商店,我再去付钱拿书。买国外的书,大都是透过Amazon、ULI与ICSC订购,在在线刷卡,书本大约一星期收到。 我认为读书,先要培养出你自己对读书的兴趣来,有了兴趣再去选择哪一类的书。要不然,你现在或是将来预备从事哪一种行业,为了让自己成为顶尖的专业工作者,你就尽量读那一方面的书。

将读书养成一种嗜好,读书也要学会抓重点,其实许多的书,其中百分之八十讲得都是废话,你只要抓那百分之二十的精华看一看就好了。 读书养成习惯以后,你就会想写点东西,为了写东西找题材,你又会读更多的书,自然也会让你更会抓重点。好的小说与哲学的书不能跳着读,要一个字、一个字深入的读。读完书也要会思考,否则只是将自己的脑袋当成文字的仓库,没有什么用途。会读书,也要会到处看,不论海内外,不论好与坏的地方,都要多去看,你才能够更体会到书本的真正意思。比如,你看遍了说明巴黎的书,不如你自己跑到巴黎去看一次。 你不到真正冷的地方住一次,你永远不知道什么叫做”寒风刺骨”,你不到四季分明的地方住一段时期,你永远不知道”春暖花开”的真正含义。

你没有看过初雪下来的时候,也没有看过柳絮飞扬的春天,你永远也不会体会,初雪就像”柳絮满天飞”的样子。 由于Internet的发达,未来书店可能会是过时的行业,数字化的电子书必然流行于世。现在很多国家已经有电子书网站,你只要交一些钱去,每看一本电子书,就会扣掉一些积分,也是挺方便的。这点大陆的人多、材料多、市场大、信息广,因此做的比台湾好,你如果想加入,首先你得要学看懂简体字。 什么时候开始想认真读书,都不嫌晚,重要的还是你想不想多读一些书


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