

08月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文辩论稿]Outline for Beginners Following is a speech outline for (EFL) novice debaters. Too much reliance on this may make your speech inflexible; still, the expressions...+阅读


1 Friendship is based on complete honestly with each other.Defend your idea.

You have defend the motion. try to argue on the following points:

a) define what is friendship

b) define what is honesty

c) describe how they are related

d) You can add additional point such as TRUST and RESPECT, then relate honesty to Trust.

e) Effectively, you are saying that friendship is built upon trust and mutual respect, Honesty is essential for these two and therefore Friendship is based on complete honesty.

e) Use example to illustrate

2 If a traveler speaks the language of the place he/she visits, the trip will be more enjoyable. Defend your idea.

a) Define traveller and what is the purpose of travelling

b) Talk about limited time of visit

c) so it is important to have background information about the place.

d) Also, this gives the opportunity to communicate with the local people, understand the local history, enjoy the local food...etc

e) If it is possible to speak the language, this'll help in getting direction and ask for help if needed

Good luck


1. Do you prefer to experience the process of pursuing happiness or enjoy the result of obtaining happiness? Why?

2. When you go out eating with your friends, would you prefer a Dutch treat(AA制)? Give your reasons.

3. Is it possible for a man and woman to be pure friends? Why?

4. Are you happy with your college life? Why?

5. Would you like to make friends with a person who likes showing off? Why?

6. When one of your best friends has done sth. wrong, would you like to criticize him? Why?


Ever since the known ages of mankind, men have been trying to conquer nature. We invented fire and tools, developed systems and society; we study from ancient fossils as evidence of evolution, we record neo and current photos or articles to prove the revolution and development of mankind. We dig into deep oceans and drain the core of the earth to fulfill our needs of oil, we continue to build and invent and develop, to expand the usage of oil and natural resources. During our building and inventing and developing, we create never ending amount of waste and toxin, then we fill the ocean to store and hide these "post material products". Men's ambition of conquering has never and will never end. When one man becomes strong he wants to rule the village, when one village becomes strong it attempts to rule the nation; when one nation becomes strong it tries to control the world. What comes after the world? The whole nature? Men have already tasted the anger of the nature, without having conquered it. The Tsunami, the earthquake, the hurricane, the typhoon. Facing these, men can only hide and run. Mother nature has been pampering us mankind, she has been kind and generous, loving and guiding. Consider these natural disasters slaps on the wrist from a mother when a child makes mistake; should the child keep being naughty and careless, Mother nature will be tired, disappointed, and eventually heartbroken. Men's ambition of conquering has never and will never end. When one man becomes strong he wants to rule the village, when one village becomes strong it attempts to rule the nation; when one nation becomes strong it tries to control the world. What comes after the world? The whole nature? Men have already tasted the anger of the nature, without having conquered it. The Tsunami, the earthquake, the hurricane, the typhoon. Facing these, men can only hide and run. Mother nature has been pampering us mankind, she has been kind and generous, loving and guiding. Consider these natural disasters slaps on the wrist from a mother when a child makes mistake; should the child keep being naughty and careless, Mother nature will be tired, disappointed, and eventually heartbroken. Conquering is men's nature, but nature is not to be conquered. Since mankind men have been fighting, for better living, and better lives. We should learn to fight with the nature, instead of fighting against it. If Mother nature reaches her desperation to her children, the only thing left for mankind will be Armageddon.


I think it depends, there are many celebrities, such as political leaders, sports and movie stars etc. It is necessary for some people to have more protection, such as political leaders. Well, too much protection will becomes privilege, it'll be unfair to most of the people. And as for privacy, everyone has the right of protection. So, I think the protection should be properly used.


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