[儿科竞争上岗演讲稿]大家晚上好! 我是xxxx,应聘的岗位是内儿科岗位。 首先,我非常之感谢许院长、庞副院长、余主任为了我们这次竞聘上岗的机会牺牲了许多作息时间以及做出了大量的精心工作和准备...+阅读
五、监督管理加试成绩计入考生总成绩,与当年临床类别执业医师执行相同合格线,通过加试成绩计入总成绩才能达到当年临床类别执业医师全国统一合格线的人员,在授予临床类别执业医师资格时,限定在相应专业岗位(院前急救、儿科)注册。 加试成绩未计入总成绩的情况下,已经达到当年临床类别执业医师全国统一合格线的,加试成绩不计入总成绩,在授予临床类别执业医师资格时,不限定注册岗位。通过加试达到当年临床类别执业医师全国统一合格线的考生,其获得的相应类别执业医师资格和执业证书须标注“院前急救”或“儿科”字样。 各级卫生计生行政部门要加强监管,对获得资质的人员及执业注册情况进行复核。凡未在规定岗位执业的,不予注册,并依据国家有关规定进行处理。
六、其他事项各设区市卫生计生委(卫生局)应尽快通知本辖区符合上述要且已经通过2015年实践技能考试的考生。2015年医师资格考试短线医学专业加试在原医学综合笔试考场统一组织实施。 具体考务管理工作按照医师资格考试相关规定执行。特此公告。
Green home
Now the earth is no longer the beautiful earth, and it is crying alone, I do not know who tells that they have to face misfortune. If you desire to have a blue sky, if you want a beautiful home, please do not wait and hesitate; even stop the destruction and pollution, let our actions, early action to it, because the earth needs us, but we need the earth! Need a green home!
Harmony has a beautiful green earth, the flowers before they become tender and beautiful and moving; heart of pure green, red heart Tong was even more brilliant. Human needs green, green is more necessary for Mother Earth, let us hand in hand, heart to heart, to create a green environment for the sky more blue, so clean water is more clear, so that our Mother Earth more lovely and more vibrant bar !
a good beginning is half of success success, what a splendid dawn, to imagine such a magnificent sceneryin this piece of blue sky, must hold a beautiful sun -- a good start."a good beginning is half of success", this is a warning saying, is also the truth.a good beginning, is embarked on a successful future. the success of the road is very long, but in the beginning with a strong heart, will beinfinite morale! grow vigorous grass can have hard stones, because the grass at the outset, absorbed the essence of the sun and moon; the camel can pass through the vast desert, because camels in the beginning in vivo reserve enough nutrition.beginning from the self-confidence and accumulation. although it is notfixed, but as long as you work hard, self-confidence, the struggle willmake it more beautiful, more eternal. everything is hard in the beginning,but you should lock a target, and then established the "beginning", from the benefits so that you can make things difficult, to achieve yourintended results. every thing in life, the beginning is "makers", if you are confident in the face of it, it will also be used successfully to repay you.the work, whether we should have a good beginning? of course, a person's life records are constantly updated, i as a preschool education position veterans, to face the pressure and competition more, and thisrequires us to use a new look to meet it, to meet it with a good start.life is so, it is like a high ladder, we are still at the bottom of wandering,when entering the first step, must be circumspect, once the slide down,you can make the distance, then, regret already too late, to the end,your efforts can only be a drop of water, slowly evaporate hard work andstruggle, all will give up halfway!tell us everything, a good beginning is half of success. success is a fire,a good beginning is fire; success is the source of water, a good beginning is water. a good start, is a handle kaishan axe, is a key to open the door of wisdom, is for you to prepare for the path to success! a good beginning is half of success, a good start, can make your life full of joy sunshine, can make your life colorful, can make your life full of confidence!
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儿科护士节演讲稿尊敬的领导、朋友们: 大家下午好!今天我演讲的题目是:用爱珍惜生命! 曾经我也是一名重病号,在那时我明白生我养我的父母无能为力,血肉相亲的姊妹爱莫能助。在病痛面前,我们把这生...
最美优秀护士演讲稿儿科作为一名护士,让患者感受到家一样的温馨并快乐康复,就是我的幸福。下面由小编向你推荐儿科最美优秀护士演讲稿,希望你满意。儿科最美优秀护士演讲稿 篇【1】 尊敬的各位领导...
描述儿科护士的散文为您奉上有关的抒情散文,请参考: 美丽的儿科护士 天使般的儿科护士,托起新的生命,与产妇同欢笑! 护士是一棵棵小草,虽然无名,虽然渺小,但我们从没有放弃执着的追求,但我们也有崇高的...
儿科应如何护理患儿一、病室环境保持清洁、舒适、安静;陈设简单,适应患儿乐趣。根据病证性质调节病室温湿度。 二、根据病种、病情安排病室。护送患儿至指定床位休息。适时向较大患儿或陪护家长...