[学校庆建国60周年迎世博优秀演讲稿]热爱祖国语言文字,构建和谐语言生活——城市科技学校积极响应全国第十二届推普周活动 为积极响应上海市教委、松江区教育局第十二届全国推广普通话活动号召,城市科技学校教务...+阅读
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of People's Republic of China.(Title)In this unusual year, we take an unusual National Holiday.Since the Republic of China found,China hasgot many achievements in last 60 years.With our economy and science developing, China plays a important role in the world.Last 60 years, we in honor of the return of Hong Kong in 1997, the return of Macao in 1999.Suffer from the south face of the history of a rare flood in 1998. In 2003, the face of panic-stricken people of the SARS epidemic.In 2008, some ten provinces in the face of the rare snow disaster, earthquake SichanWenchuan , the Chinese people united, will be suffering at the foot of resistance!As we suffering the disasters,we were holding the Beijing Olympics successfully, and prove that Chinese are brave!Tdday, on the national holiday,let's celebrate it and bless our country being better!...
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of People's Republic of China.(Title)
In this unusual year, we take an unusual National Holiday.Since the Republic of China found,China hasgot many achievements in last 60 years.With our economy and science developing, China plays a important role in the world.Last 60 years, we in honor of the return of Hong Kong in 1997, the return of Macao in 1999.Suffer from the south face of the history of a rare flood in 1998. In 2003, the face of panic-stricken people of the SARS epidemic.In 2008, some ten provinces in the face of the rare snow disaster, earthquake SichanWenchuan , the Chinese people united, will be suffering at the foot of resistance!As we suffering the disasters,we were holding the Beijing Olympics successfully, and prove that Chinese are brave!Tdday, on the national holiday,let's celebrate it and bless our country being better!
The civilization, loves my campus
Good morning everybody , the title of my speech today is "The civilization, loves my campus".
Only for me some ideas on campus civilization, hoping to share with you.Civilization along the virtue, long history of five thousand years ofhistory,like seventeenth-century penetrates the inscriptions, experience of water erosion, time showed incomparable brilliance. I deeply felt, inheriting civilization, develop civilization, is our teacher let the responsibility! The five thousand years of splendid civilization cannot be forfeited in our (about) from the document.
In the gaze of the soul in the blood, remember, in the emotion, civilization, has been our inexhaustible spiritual power. Someone says, constructing civilized away from us. Actually, the harmonious campus construction by our atmosphere. Have you noticed between teachers and students in the morning and greetings in the campus
plays, but a very few words, but with aromas of civilization, Have you noticed the paper will pick up, had no hand, make public the concept of civilization, Have you noticed that is between crisscross in fierce discussion problems, but a few minutes to read the visible, but permeates civilization elegant. The harmonious development
of man is like a seed in the harmonious campus, only to come out. But, BaiBi also. Over the past years, the paper paper still let our home, Breeza occasionally harsh words by force, Facing the possessed items, we may discover that a contrition faces. All this suggests that we all are in a harmonious campus, we need to irrigation,
before we go now need not civilization up! Chinese civilization has a history of five thousand years, the famous beauty, inheriting civilization decorum in the shoulder.Manners to regulate, love me little and beautiful campus Lou together!
let civilized campus in the song echoes the sky! My speech to the end! Thank you!
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