

08月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Let us forget the sadness of yesterday, the anguish to disperse the past; let us light the brilliant starlight, hung a beautiful rainbow; writing the message of spring. Each one youthful heart glow colorful bright colors of the world before our eyes to stretch the future, let us seize the wings of flying time, burning passion for the courage to open up, let the sun warm reminder to open a new bud, so that write a new vision of a beautiful piece of music to brave the challenges of the new achievements in the great cause, so noble mission create new myths. Come on, awakens hearts, open eyes, so bright and brilliant interpretation of our common future!其实使用在线翻译就好了,它们的单词都不会错,语法自己调一下就OK了!这个方法挺好的,我就是一直这么用的,因为它会给你一个大的框架。祝你好运!

:annual dinner英文主持开场白比如:欢迎词等等

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my privilege and great pleasure to host this annual dinner in honor of my distinguished guests.I would avail myself of this opportunity to extend my warm welcome to you all. A remark in THE ANALECTS OF CONFUCIUS can best express what i feel now," It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar!"Now i declare the oppening of our annual dinner!!!



I hope this helps!


The school party emcee

Emcee the theatrical festival

A: respected leaders and teachers,

B: my dear classmates and friends,

Close: good evening!

A: HeXi spring without words, the campus. In this YingGeYanWu experimentation, purples, birds, beautiful days, we welcomed our fifth campus culture festival.

B: in the festival activities, students have the wisdom of the elevation of thought, sails, express feelings are flying, youth melody, skilled, have scientific exploration, perseverance, have the poetic feiyang...

: all the students adequately, contemporary youth and vigor, the spirit of the contemporary youth.

A: this evening, the end of the festival --

Art festival.

B: let us warm applause wish the performance was a success.


A: ability together, intentional will cherish. As long as we all are, our society will be like a big family.

B: when others happy as though they are happy, when I open to others injured when the really embrace,

A: when people angry when he need different ideas, even when others when I need help his sleeves rolled up certain.

Close: because we are the family.


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