

11月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, respected teachers, and dear participants, good [morning/afternoon/evening] to you all. Welcome to this thought-provoking debate on the topic that is increasingly shaping our world – the advantages and disadvantages of the internet.

Today, we have gathered here to witness a clash of ideas, a battle of perspectives, and an exploration of the impact of the internet on our lives. In the next [specified time], our talented debaters will engage in a spirited discourse, presenting compelling arguments on both sides of this crucial issue.


  1. Opening Statements (开场陈述):

    • The first segment will feature opening statements from each team. They will present their core arguments and set the stage for the debate.
  2. Rebuttals (反驳):

    • Following the opening statements, we will move into the rebuttal phase. Teams will have the opportunity to challenge the arguments presented by the opposing side.
  3. Cross-Examination (交叉质询):

    • This will be followed by a cross-examination period, where debaters can directly question their opponents to scrutinize and clarify their positions.
  4. Main Arguments (主要论点):

    • The heart of the debate will unfold in this section. Each team will delve deeper into their main arguments, providing evidence and analysis to support their stance.
  5. Counterarguments (反驳论点):

    • After the main arguments, teams will present counterarguments, aiming to dismantle the foundation of their opponents' claims.
  6. Question and Answer Session (提问环节):

    • We value audience engagement. During this segment, the floor will be open for questions from the audience, providing an interactive dimension to our debate.
  7. Closing Statements (总结陈词):

    • Finally, each team will deliver their closing statements, summarizing their key points and leaving a lasting impression on the judges and the audience.
  8. Judges' Deliberation (评委评议):

    • While the judges deliberate to determine the winner, we will take a brief recess.
  9. Announcement of Results (成绩公布):

    • The much-anticipated moment arrives as we announce the results of this intellectual clash. The winning team will be recognized for their persuasive arguments and eloquent delivery.


In conclusion, today's debate promises to be an intellectual feast, exploring the multifaceted aspects of the internet. Let us approach this discussion with open minds, ready to appreciate the diverse perspectives our debaters will present. May the best arguments prevail, and may we all gain deeper insights into the complexities of the digital era. Thank you.


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