[20XX年小学生红领巾广播稿]敬爱的老师,亲爱的小伙伴们,大家好!红领巾广播在新学期和大家见面了。 我是,这一次的红领巾广播由四年三班**为大家播音,我们为大家准备了精彩的节目,有队史介绍、健康乐园、科技...+阅读
A:亲爱的老师,同学们大家早上好!雏鹰广播站现在开始播音。我是***,今天和我一起为大家广播的是***同学。 B:大家好,我是***。今天是9月20日,全国爱牙日。 口腔健康是全身健康的重要组成部分,是维系和提高生命质量的重要因素。因此,口腔健康不仅使人能充分地咀嚼,享受美味佳肴,为身体提供充足的营养;口腔健康不仅使人口齿清晰,尽情表达自己的意愿,自由地与人交流;口腔健康不仅使人增强自信,在社会舞台上充分地展现自我;所以,口腔健康才能使我们活得更健康,更愉快,更长寿。 A:同学们,要想保护牙齿,首先要了解牙的构造。牙是人体中最坚硬的器官。有咬切、撕裂、研磨食物和协助发音等功能。人的一生有两副牙:一副为乳牙,共20个,上、下颌各10个。在出生后约半岁左右开始萌出,两岁半左右出齐,自7至12岁期间,乳牙先.9xwang.后脱落;另一副为恒牙,共32个,上、下颌各16个,自6岁起,逐渐为乳牙更换,至12岁前后除第3磨牙外,恒牙全部萌出。第3磨牙一般在20岁以后萌出,又称智齿。智齿也可终身不出,因此恒牙28~32个均为正常。 B:龋齿,是少儿常见的多发病,俗称“虫牙”,又叫“蛀牙”,其实它并不是被虫啃坏的牙,而是被一种叫蛀牙菌的细菌在吃了附在我们牙齿表面的残渣之后制造出来的酸性物质所腐蚀引起的。由于我们平时不注意口腔卫生,让食物残渣留在牙缝中发酵,产生酸性物质腐蚀牙齿的釉质,久而久之,形成空洞,使龋齿肿胀发炎,引起疼痛,从而形成了龋齿。 A:龋齿影响同学身体健康,又很痛苦,同学们应很好保护牙齿,不让它得病,要做到以下几点。
14、发现龋齿应及时治疗,否则病情发展将影响学习和健康。 总之,养成良好的口腔卫生习惯,睡前不吃零食,做到早晚刷牙,饭后漱口,要有正确的刷牙方法,龋齿是完全可以预防的。 B:牙疼不是病,疼起来可真要命。我们中的或许有很多同学都受到过牙疼的折磨吧。世界医学组织,把每年的9月20日定为爱牙日,就是要不断地提醒人们在享受快乐生活的同时,别忘了关注自己的口腔健康,因为它可是直接关系着我们的身心健康和生活品质。除了健康的因素,早在古代,人们就把牙齿的健康美观看成是容貌美观的重要组成部分。爱美之心人皆有之,拥有明眸皓齿,齿如编贝是每个人的心愿。 A:“一口洁白、整齐的牙齿,能增添你独特的魅力,让你的生命质量大幅提升,让你的笑容更迷人。”但愿我们每个人都能认识到口腔保健的重要性,都能拥有一口健康的牙齿,拥有更加灿烂的笑容。 A: Dear teacher, classmates Good morning everyone! The Foal Eagle radio stations now on the air. I *** with me today and broadcast *** classmates. B: Hello, everybody, I ***. Today is September 20, the National Love Teeth Day. Oral health is an important part of the health of the whole body, is an important factor to maintain and improve the quality of life. Therefore, oral health is not only the people can chew, enjoy delicious food to provide adequate nutrition for the body; oral health is not only articulate people to express their own wishes, and the freedom to municate with people; oral health is not only people to enhance self-confidence fully in the social arena show; oral health in order to enable us to live healthier, more enjoyable, more longevity. A: The students, in order to protect the teeth, we must first understand the structure of the tooth. Teeth is the hardest an in the human body. The bite cut, tear and grind food and assistance pronunciation. Person's life there are two tooth: one for the primary teeth, 20, 10 each jaw. Eruption began about about six months after birth, about two and a half at a time, from 7-12 years of age, the deciduous teeth he e off; another deputy permanent teeth, 32, 16 each jaw, since the age of six gradually replace the deciduous teeth, except third molars, permanent teeth to 12 years before and after the full eruption. The 3rd molars general eruption after the age of 20, also known as wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth also can not lifelong, permanent teeth 28 to 32 are normal. B: dental caries, is the mon multiple of the Children, monly known as "cities", also known as "tooth decay" In fact, it is not the insect bite bad teeth, but called tooth decay bacterium eating attached to our teeth residue on the surface after manufacturing acidic substances caused by corrosion. As we usually do not pay attention to oral hygiene, food residue left in the teeth fermentation produces acid corrosion of the enamel of the teeth, the passage of time, the formation of hollow, so that dental caries swelling and inflammation, causing pain, and thus the formation of dental caries. A: dental caries affecting students health, and very painful, the students should be well protected teeth, do not let it get sick, to do the following. Develop good health habits, so morning and evening brushing, mouthwash after meals. Brushing your teeth is to clean the mouth, the best method of cleaning teeth, massage gums to promote periodontal health, brush your teeth to achieve Remove food debris to prevent plaque deposition, reduce bad breath, the purpose of cleaning the mouth. 2, brushing best toothbrush, toothbrush brush head is small, two rows of 12 bundles of hair follicles. This toothbrush handy, easy to clean teeth, both economical and durable. 3, toothbrush after a period of use should be replaced using the old toothbrush bristles fall off or wear, easy to damage the anization, the cleaning effect is also poor. 4, toothbrush after use, the brush upward into the cup, and brush should not be upside down or placed in a sealed container with, in order to oid the multiplication of bacteria causing oral infections. 5 To properly grasp the method of brushing. The correct method of brushing down between the teeth and under the brush down brush above, following up brush teeth occlusal surface to brush back and forth should brush clean, inside and out. 6 to correct erroneous cross-brush method, horizontal brush is not easy to remove food debris in between the teeth, and long-term horizontal brush teeth, the teeth of the outer side neck can Yokomizo, causing damage. 7, toothpaste cleaning decontamination sterilization refreshing toothpaste drugs (such as those containing fluoride, chlorophyll, biotin toothpaste), he a good effect on the incidence of dental caries prevention. 8, the food should be varied, proper eating coarse grains and food and fiber, so that not only enables the body to obtain a more prehensive nutrition, but also exercise the teeth chewing function. 9, to get rid of the habit of snacking and eating before bed. Snacking, every time after eating part of food stuck in the teeth, before going to bed to eat, food residue can stay on the teeth for 10 hours and corrosion teeth. Must not eat any snacks before bed after brushing. 10, to get rid of bad habits, refers not to bite the tongue, do not bite the cheek, do not suck lip, do not bite the pen, do not suck. With bilateral teeth chew food. 11 Note ingest substances with teeth, skeletal calcification (vitamin A, C, D and calcium, phosphorus). 12, increasing physical activity, more than the sun. Chronic diarrhea and rickets can be caused by poor dental calcification should take it seriously and actively treated. 13 mouth disease checks on a regular basis, this is a good way to prevent tooth decay. Caught and treated early. 14, found that dental caries should be treated, or the progression of the disease will affect their learning and health. In short, to develop good oral hygiene habits, bedtime eat snacks, do morning and evening brushing, mouthwash after meals, to he the correct method of brushing, tooth decay is pletely preventable. B: toothache is not a disease, pain can be really terrible. We, perhaps, many students he been subjected to the torture of toothache. World Medical anization, on September 20 of each year as Love Teeth Day is to constantly remind people to enjoy a happylife at the same time, do not fet to pay attention to their oral health, but it is directly related to our physical and mental health and quality of life. In addition to health factors, as early as in ancient times, people put teeth healthy and beautiful as the important part of the aesthetic appearance. The heart of beauty in everyone, with bright eyes and white teeth, teeth as piled Pui is the wish of everyone. A: "a white, teeth, and can add a unique charm, so the quality of your life greatly enhance your smile more attractive." Hopefully, each of us is able to recognize the importance of oral health, can he a healthy teeth, with a bright smile.
广播稿龋齿的预防方法龋齿是可预防的,龋齿的预防方法包括以下几种: 刷牙幼儿在两岁半到三岁时应开始学习刷牙。有效的刷牙可以清除粘附在牙齿表面的牙菌斑,起到清洁牙齿、预防牙齿光滑面龋和预防牙...
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