

12月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[在5.12护士节暨优质护理服务推进会上的发言]尊敬的各位领导、老师及同行的姐妹们: 你们好!在这个阳光明媚、初夏来临的季节,我们又一次欢聚在此,迎接我们自己的节日--5.12国际护士节。我们的先驱南丁格尔曾经说过:护士是没...+阅读

"5.12" the international nurse festival is the founder - englandnurses which nurses for the memoration modern times florence.nightingale sets up. florence. nightingale (on may 12, 1820 -1910 year on august 13)had been born in italy's historical famous city florence, afterwardsmoved england along with the family, when her childhood harboredbenevolent and the fine mind, loathed has a high and respectedposition with the bored social life, did not attend to the parentsfirmly to oppose, resolutely left home in 1850 prussia to studynurses, accepts short-term the medical treatment and nursing training,in 1853 was hired holds the post of london to be sick the woman tonurse the meeting the surveillance duty. from 1854 to 1856, english, the law, the turkish allied armies andczarist government joined battle in crimea, england field hospitalmanagement bad, condition range, also did not he the nurse to nursethe patient, the soldier mortality rate reaches as high as above 50%,after nightingale this news, led 38 nurses to arrive at the frontimmediately, carried on the service in four field hospitals, at thattime, the front drugs lacked, the water source was insufficient,hygienic range, but she was not discouraged, removed all sorts ofdifficulties by might and main, solved the essential thing and foodfor the patient, anized the soldier family member joint operation,increased their nutrition, thus caused the field hospital appearanceto he a new look. in the short half year time, causes patient'smortality rate to drop to 2.2%, her merit disseminates thegreat-hearted immediately. [ you are glancing over article which "old hundred dawns on-line"provides ] nightingale kind gentle, deeply loves the patient seriously,the work is earnest, can day and night bustle about by the high senseof responsibility and the splendid management. in the dark lateautumn, she grasps the oil lamp to patrol the hospital ward, in everypossible way looks after each wounded soldier, the bed wounded soldieris moved lies down is kissing her form on the bed which falls on thewall, expresses to her respect and the deep love, and identicallycalls her is "the inspection lamp goddess". nightingale in the crimea battlefield the absorbed offer which doesfor the patient, had driven afterwards soon established red cross'smember, also regular present their humanity objective.therefore, in her before death, international red cross has set upnightingale medal in at 1907 london congress, takes the encouragementvarious countries nurse's international highest honor prize. in 1912,after namely nightingale died the second year, holds in washington atthe ninth session of red cross international congress the officialdetermination issues nightingale the medal. in 1912, was memorates nightingale to nurse the achievement whichthe enterprise developed, the international nurse council south ofproposed nightingale the birthday - on may 12, memorated nightingaleas the various countries hospital a共2页,当前第1页12


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