

11月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[爱护校园卫生广播稿]尊敬的教职员工们、亲爱的同学们: 我校作为一所培育了无数国家栋梁和社会精英的世纪名校,有着与百年名校相媲美的花木繁茂、碧草如茵、巍峨殿堂的幽雅美丽校园环境。近年来,学...+阅读

A:亲爱的老师,同学们大家早上好!现在开始播音。我是***,今天和我一起为大家广播的是***同学。 B:大家好,我是***。今天是10月10日,是辛亥革命纪念日。 1911年满清政府出卖铁路修筑权,激起全国人民反抗。四川民众由保路运动发展到武装起义,满清政府急调湖北等省军队入川镇压。湖北新军工程第八营革命党人熊秉坤、金兆龙等人率领起义军攻占凤凰山,并控制武昌,湖北军政府成立。

武昌起义胜利后,各省纷纷响应,全国24个省区有14个先后独立。这次起义推翻了满洲政府,推翻了二百六十年的满清殖民政府,诞生了亚洲第一个共和国--中华民国。恢复了汉人的政权。由于1911年是干支辛亥年,故称辛亥革命。 满清末年,由于政治的政体腐败,种族矛盾激化,帝国主义的经济、文化侵略,致使国家面临覆灭的命运,民众处于水深火热之中。 在民族面临生死存亡的关头,孙中山先生团结汉族与少数民族人民集合社会先进力量,进行革命的发动与备工作,决心推翻满清殖民政府,拯救中国,拯救中华民族。

革命党人在孙中山先生的领导下,前赴后继,英勇奋战,先后多次发动武装起义,撼动了满清政府的殖民王朝,恢复了中国人的政权。 宣统三年八月十九日,驻军武昌的新军工程第八营熊秉坤首先发难。接著各营也相继响应,革命军气势如虹,锐不可档。武汉三镇首先光复,各省也纷纷光复。清廷眼见大势已去,只好宣布退位。近三百年对中国的摧残政体,至此终于结束。 A:辛亥革命指的是1911年(农历辛亥年)爆发的中国资产阶级民主革命。




1912年9月临时政府公布参议院决定,为纪念辛亥革命武昌首义定10月10日为国庆日,又被叫做双十节,因为武昌首义是阴历八月十九日,换算成阳历正好是十月十日,于是就成了双十节,至今在中国台湾沿用。1911年10年10日晚,孙中山领导的革命力量在湖北武昌发动武装起义,并取得了胜利.随后,再短短一个月时间里,全国各地纷纷响应,成立革命政府,清朝腐朽的封建统制崩溃了. B:武昌起义是在农历八月十九日,以西历推算起来,正是十月十日。

对我们中国人,对汉人来说这是一个特殊而且值得纪念的日子。因此中华民国政府特别订定这一天为“国庆节”,也称为“双十节”。中华人民共和国政府定为“辛亥革命纪念日”。 1919年10月10日(夏历辛亥年八月十九日),武昌起义一声枪响,标志着辛亥革命的全面爆发,谱写了资产阶级革命夺取全国胜利的新篇章。 A: Dear teacher, classmates Good morning everyone! The air now. I *** with me today and broadcast *** classmates. B: Hello, everybody, I ***. Today is October 10, the anniversary of the Revolution. In 1911, the Manchu government betrayed the railway construction rights provoked the people against the country. Sichuan people to the armed uprising by the Paul campaign development, The Manchu government Jitiao Hubei and other provinces army Sichuan repression. Hubei New Army Engineering the eighth business revolutionaries Xiongbing Kun, Jin Zhaolong who led a rebel army captured the Phoenix Mountains, and control Wuchang, Hubei military government was established. After the victory of the Wuchang Uprising, the provinces he responded, 14 of 24 provinces across the country gained independence. The uprising to overthrow the government of Manchuria, overthrew the Manchu colonial government two hundred and sixty years, the birth of the first Asian Republic - the Republic of China. Restored Hans regime. , It said the 1911 Lunar Xinhai Revolution. The Manchu Dynasty, due to the intensification of political form of government corruption, ethnic conflicts, economic, cultural aggression of imperialism, resulting in countries facing doom, people in dire straits. The nation facing life and death, Dr. Sun Yat-sen unity of the advanced force collection of Han and minority peoples social revolution launched preparatory work, determined to overthrow the Manchu colonial government to se the Chinese to se the Chinese nation. Revolutionaries under the leadership of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, one after another, and fought brely, launched an armed uprising in a number of occasions, to shake the colonial dynasty of the Manchu government and restore the political power of the Chinese people. The Xuantong August 19, 2003, the garrison Wuchang New Army Engineering 8th battalion Xiong Bingkun took the lead. Then the battalion he also responding, the darling of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, Rui not file. Wuhansanzhen First retrocession, provinces also he retrocession. Qing court could see that the game was lost, had abdicated. Nearly three hundred years of the rages of polity, is now finally e to an end. A: Revolution refers to the Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution broke out in 1911 (Lunar Xinhai years). Dr. Sun Yat-sen founded the Revive China Society in Honolulu in November 1894, the times in Hong Kong at the beginning of the establishment of the Revive China Society headquarters, and began to carry out anti-armed struggle. Hua Xing Hui, Guang Fu Hui, science tutoring the then revolutionary groups he been established. Emerging bourgeoisie, the petty-bourgeois intellectuals use books and vigorously promote the patriotic and revolutionary ideas, thought the wide dissemination of the democratic revolution. August 1905 a unified national bourgeois revolutionary party Chinese Alliance was established in Tokyo, Japan, the public held Sun Yat-sen as the Prime Minister, determined to "drive out the Manchus and the restoration of China, the establishment of the Republic, the erage land ownership" for the revolutionary program. The Revolutionaries actively Contact overseas patriotic overseas Chinese, the movement of domestic party and the new army to launch a number of armed uprising, in southwestern China. Although the uprising failed, but the promotion the National Revolutionary climax. Huanghuagang failed uprising near the four provinces of Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guangdong set off a we of Protection Movement, Revolution fuse. Hubei revolutionary groups Literary Society, together will impact and promotion of the United League, and finally in 1911 (Lunar Xinhai years) October 10 launched the Wuchang Uprising, established the Hubei Military Government. Across the country after successively response, less than two months, the country has 14 provinces to declare independence, Qing rule crumbled, this is referred to in the history of the Revolution. December 29, Nanjing 17 provincial representatives meeting elected Dr Sun Yat-sen as the provisional president, and New Year's Day in 1912, the establishment of a provisional government in Nanjing, issued a series of forable policies, laws and regulations of the bourgeois democracy and capitalist economic development, establishment of a provisional The Senate, through the "Republic of China Provisional Constitution. February 12 Emperors of the Qing Dynasty was forced to abdicated from the end of the feudal autocratic rule of the Qing Dynasty, two hundred and sixty years. The establishment of the Republic of China and the downfall of the Qing Dynasty, marking the birth of the bourgeois republic and the end to continue for more than 2,000 years of feudal monarchy. Interim government announced in September 1912 the Senate decided to memorate the Revolution Wuchang Uprising fixed October 10 as the National Day, also called double ten lunar August 19, converted to the Gregorian calendar is just October Wuchang Uprising on the 10th, so he became a double ten so far in China Taiwan follows. On the evening of 10 October, 1911, led by Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary forces launched an armed uprising in Wuchang, Hubei victory. Subsequently, again just a month time, all over the country he responded to the establishment of the revolutionary government, the Qing Dynasty decadent feudal control collapsed. B: Wuchang Uprising Lunar Aug. 19, west of the calendar projections up, it is October 10. We Chinese people of the Han Chinese, this is a special and memorable day. Therefore, the Government of the Republic of China, especially set this day as "National Day", also known as the "Double Ten Day". The Government of the People's Republic of China as the "Revolution anniversaries. (Lunar calendar, Xinhai August 19), October 10, 1919, the Wuchang Uprising gunshot marks the Revolution of full-blown, and write a new chapter in the bourgeois revolution to win the national victory.


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