[爱护校园卫生广播稿]尊敬的教职员工们、亲爱的同学们: 我校作为一所培育了无数国家栋梁和社会精英的世纪名校,有着与百年名校相媲美的花木繁茂、碧草如茵、巍峨殿堂的幽雅美丽校园环境。近年来,学...+阅读
红领巾广播稿-关爱生命 防灾减灾 甲:采撷一缕阳光,编织七彩的花环。 乙:留住一丝清风,播撒明天的希望。 合:同学们,早上好!红领巾广播又和你准时相约了。 甲:我是二(2)中队的张静羽。 乙:我是二(2)中队的王雨轩。 丙:我是二(2)中队的彭磊。 合:本期红领巾广播的主题是“关爱生命 防灾减灾”。 甲:2008年5月12日,下午2点28分,我国四川省汶川发生了8级特大地震。
强大的地震震动全川,摇撼全国。顷刻间,昔日秀美的家园变成了废墟,曾经鲜活的生命骤然消失。 乙:地震到来之时,正是学校上课的时间,有近几十所中小学校在强大的地震中瞬间倒塌、摧毁,许多学生和老师失去了生命。 丙:山悲水泣天垂泪,星黯云浓地含愁。全国人民举国悼念,国旗第一次为百姓而垂降,汽笛第一次为故去的生灵而哀鸣。 甲:经国务院批准,自2009年起,每年5月12日为全国“防灾减灾日”。
5月6日至13日为“防灾减灾日”宣传周。天灾是无情的,但我们了解了相关知识,就能减少损失。 乙:地震时如被埋在废墟下,周围又是一片漆黑,只有极小的空间,你一定不要惊慌,要千方百计保护自己,积极采取措施,为自己生存而努力。 丙:地震后,往往还有多次余震发生,处境可能继续恶化。为了免遭新的伤害,应做到: 甲:应设法将手脚挣脱出来,捂住口鼻,防止烟尘窒息,等待求援。
乙:不可大声呼救,用石块或铁具等敲击物体来外界联系,保存体力。 丙:想方设法支撑可能坠落的重物,无力自救脱险时,应尽量减少体力消耗,延长生命,等待救援。 甲:再过一段时间就马上进入夏季了,雷雨天气会比较多,下面我们讲讲预防雷击的措施: 乙:在雷雨天,人应尽量留在室内,关闭门窗,防止球形闪电穿堂入室。 丙:尽量不要靠近门窗、炉子等物品的金属部位,也不要赤脚站地上,脚下最好垫有不导电的物品或坐在木椅子上等。
甲:不要在河里游泳或划船,以防雷电通过水介击中人体。 乙:在野外遇雷雨时,尽快找一低洼或沟渠蹲下,不要在孤立的大树、高塔、电线杆下避雨。 丙:一旦有人遭到雷击,应及时抢救,作人工呼吸和体外心脏按摩等,同时送医院。 甲:生命是最宝贵的,我们祈求每一个人都能平安幸福,但天有不测风云,当我们遇到自然灾害的时候,凭着所学的防灾知识,凭着勇敢和坚强,我们一定能战胜一切艰难险阻。
乙:生命是美好的,让我们一起关爱生命,防灾减灾,为自己创造一个安全舒适的生活环境。 丙:亲爱的同学们,本期的广播到此结束,让我们在歌声中期待下周四再见吧! The draft red scarf broadcast - Caring for life of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation A: pick a ray of sunshine, weing colorful garlands. B: retain a trace of breeze, sow the hope of tomorrow. All: Good morning, students! The red scarf broadcast Mondays through Fridays. A: I he two (2) Squadron Zhang Jingyu. B: I Wang Yuxuan of two (2) Squadron. C: I he two (2) Squadron, Peng Lei. Together: Current the red scarf broadcasting the theme is the "love life disaster prevention and mitigation. A: May 12, 2008, 14:28, in China's Sichuan Province Wenchuan devastating earthquake of 8. The powerful earthquake shook Sichuan, shaking the country. All of a sudden, the old beautiful homes bee ruins, once fresh life suddenly disappeared. B: when the earthquake, is the school's time, nearly dozens of primary and secondary schools in the powerful earthquake collapsed instantly, destroyed, many students and teachers he lost their lives. C: Mountain sad water weep day weeping, sorrowful Star dark cloud concentrated ground. The National People's nationwide mourning, the national flag for the first time for the people rappelling, the whistle first deceased creatures whine. A: Approved by the State Council, since 2009, on May 12 of each year for the National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day. May 6 to 13, the Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day Awareness Week. Natural disasters is relentless, but we understand the relevant knowledge, will be able to reduce losses. B: such as an earthquake buried under the ruins around the dark, only a very small space, you must not panic, you want to do everything possible to protect themselves, and take active measures for their survival efforts. C: After the earthquake, there are often several aftershocks, the situation may continue to deteriorate. Order from a new injury, should be done: A: we should try to break out of the hands and feet, cover your nose and mouth to prevent choking smoke, waiting for help. B: not called for help, percussion objects to contact the outside world, se energy with stones or iron tools. C: find ways to support hey objects that could fall, unable to help themselves out of danger, should reduce physical exertion, prolong life, waiting for rescue. A: After a period of time immediately into the summer, thunderstorms will be more, Let's talk about the precautionary measures against lightning: B: during a lightning storm, people should try to stay indoors, close the doors and windows, to prevent ball lightning hallway burglary. C: try not to close the doors and windows, stoves and other items of metal parts, do not bare feet on the ground, the best mat at the foot of a non-conductive items or sitting in a wooden chair, etc.. A: Do not swim in the river or boating, in case of lightning hit the body of water mediated. B: Opposition affair thunderstorms, as soon as possible to find a low-lying or ditches squat, do not shelter from the rain under isolated trees, towers, utility poles. C: Once someone has been struck by lightning, timely rescue for artificial respiration and external cardiac massage, and at the same time to the hospital. A: Life is the most precious, and we pray that everyone is safe and happy, but there are unexpected storms, when we encounter natural disasters, with the disaster prevention knowledge learned, with the bre and strong, we must able to overe all difficulties and obstacles. B: Life is good, let us care for life, disaster prevention and mitigation, and to create a safe and fortable living environment for themselves. C: Dear students, the current broadcast ends, so we look forward to next Thursday in the song Goodbye!
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