

11月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[爱护校园卫生广播稿]尊敬的教职员工们、亲爱的同学们: 我校作为一所培育了无数国家栋梁和社会精英的世纪名校,有着与百年名校相媲美的花木繁茂、碧草如茵、巍峨殿堂的幽雅美丽校园环境。近年来,学...+阅读

尊敬的老师、亲爱的新同学、老同学: 你们好!小喇叭广播开始了! “晴空一鹤排云上,便引诗情到碧霄”,在这个的金色季节里,大家带着奥运赛场上“更快、更高、更强”的拼搏精神,带着一个充满期待、充满激情的求学梦,迎来了一个满怀希望、满怀憧憬的新学期! 松柏苍苍小草绿,师情脉脉含爱意。亲爱的老同学,新同学,我们欢迎你,欢迎你在这个硕果满枝的季节又回到了大家熟悉而美丽的校园。 经过了一个平安、愉快的暑假,我们满怀着新的希望迎来了2009年仲夏。同学们,我们知道,夏末秋初是收获的季节,只有用辛勤的劳动播下希望的种子,到时候才会有满意的收获。 回顾上个学年,我们播种过希望、我们曾有过收获,但是也有些遗憾、或有些失落。怎样发扬成绩,弥补过去的不足?这是摆在我们每位同学面前并且需要用实际行动来回答的又一个问题。 同学们,新的一年开启新的希望,新的空白承载新的梦想。为了让我们.9xwang.的梦想能成为现实,在这里,我们代表学校给同学们提几点要求:




4、六年级的同学要高度注意,本期是你们小学阶段的最后一个学期,在各个方面都要为其他年级的弟妹们做出表率,给学校留下好的印象。你们本期的任务特别重,要用最短的时间完成新课的学习,同时还要进行必要的综合复习。因此,你们更要珍惜一分一秒的时间,把更多的精力投入到学习之中。 同学们,让我们在新的学期里发扬互帮互助、积极主动、探索创新的精神,取得各自满意的成绩。共同畅想美好的明天! Dear teacher, dear new students, old students: How are you! Small loudspeakers began! "The clear sky Yihe row cloud, they cited the poetic to the Bi Xiao, in this golden season, all with the Olympic Games" faster, higher, stronger "fighting spirit, looking forward with a the passionate dream schooling, ushered in a hopeful, full of longing for the new semester! Pine and cypress gray small grass green, division love tenderness with love. Dear old school, new students, we wele you, to wele you back again in this season of fruits Thriving familiar and beautiful campus. After a safe and happy summer holiday, we are full of new hope and ushered in the summer of 2009. Students, we know, late summer is the season of the harvest, the seeds grow only with hard work, that time will he a satisfactory harvest. Recalling the last school year, we are sowing hope, we've had a harvest, but also with some regret, or lost some. How to build on our achievements, to make up for the deficiencies of the past? This is placed in front of every one of our students and the need for practical action to answera question. The students in the new year opened a new hope, a new blank load new dream. In order to let our dreams can bee a reality, and here we mention several requests on behalf of the school to the students: In behior etiquette, in strict accordance with the "pupils daily behior norms" to ask themselves, vying for civilization up good student. To respect their teachers love the school, the unity of the students to truly implement the action. 2, in terms of security and discipline, according to a certain school requirements do listen to teachers and management staff directed upstairs and downstairs, do exercise, recess activities must put safety first, and never carry a dangerous game. Learning that everyone must figure out what the main task of a primary school student, get rid of some bad habits in the learning seriously, do not waste a single minute in the classroom, carry forward the spirit of diligent study, carried out by classmates than school in time to help the activities, everyone set out learning objectives and their ideal target struggle. Here to remind us that there are certain difficulties in learning, the left Unfortunately classmates, you he to learn a lesson, to redouble their efforts and strive to narrow the gap with other students in the learning effect. 4, sixth-grade students should pay great attention to this issue is the last semester of your primary school stage, should set a good example for the younger brothers and sisters of other grades for schools to lee a good impression in all aspects. You this issue particularly hey task, use the shortest possible time to pleted new lesson learning, as well as the necessary prehensive review. Therefore, you he to cherish a single minute of the time, put more effort into the study. Students, let us help each other to carry forward in the new semester, proactive and explore innovative spirit, their satisfaction with their achievement. Imagine a better tomorrow together!


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