

12月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[爱护校园卫生广播稿]尊敬的教职员工们、亲爱的同学们: 我校作为一所培育了无数国家栋梁和社会精英的世纪名校,有着与百年名校相媲美的花木繁茂、碧草如茵、巍峨殿堂的幽雅美丽校园环境。近年来,学...+阅读

音乐《开篇曲》《春天在哪里》。 【甲】冰雪挡不住春天的脚步,风雨吹不灭热情的火焰。 【乙】我们送走了冬天的寒冷,迎来了春天的温馨。 【合】亲爱的同学们,小学第8期雏鹰小喇叭节目又和大家见面了。 【甲】本期节目由我们二(4)班为大家准备了《感受春天的气息》、《春天里的希望》、《春天里的知识》等栏目。希望大家喜欢。 感受春天的气息——散文《春晨》 【乙】×××,一年四季中你最喜欢什么季节? 【甲】嗯——我最喜欢春天,因为春天万物复苏,春暖花开,多浪漫呀! 【乙】你能背诵几首关于春天的古诗吗? 【甲】小菜一蝶,你听好了。“春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。” 还有“碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。不知细叶谁裁出? 二月春风似剪刀。” 【乙】等等,听你这么一说,我也诗性大发了,我还知道“天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。最是一年春好处,绝胜烟柳满皇都。”“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。” 【甲】下面让我们一起来,共同欣赏这篇优美的散文《春晨》。 【生1】有人说春天是一缕轻柔的风儿带来的,有人说春天是夹杂在濛濛细雨中掉下来的,也有人说春天是在温暖的光环下笼罩出来的……春有太多的景致,而我最爱春晨。 【生2】南方初春的清晨,常常笼罩着一层薄薄的雾气,如纱缦般轻拢着大地,又如一道漫无边际的白色幕墙,若隐若现,时而飘起,时而聚集,宛若冰清玉洁的仙子和着柔柔的风儿在仙乐里翩翩起舞,就连小院里那一簇簇未成林的竹也悄悄蒙生了生命的悸动,在朦胧中应着山雀那清脆的啼鸣,摇曳出一曲悠悠然的生命舞曲…… 【生1】漫步乡间,道路两旁的小草拂着裤管,那沾满细密的露珠儿,将春的气息真实地抚露到肌肤上。这时我才发现,远远近近才嫩绿的叶条儿在此时竟又变成了芽白色,如换上了轻柔而朦胧的纱衣,羞涩着与春的约会;而长青树、柑橘树、桂花树上那些还憩睡在梦中的叶子恬静得如婴儿般微微然地吸吮着清晨春的甘露。踩在蓬松的泥土上,一股清新的泥土味,在鼻尖缠绵,你会感觉有生命的种子在脚下涌动,一种生的欲望,生的激情在土壤中爆发,抬起的脚竟不知该如何落下,深怕自己一不小心就将一个柔弱的生命扼杀。 【生2】天渐渐地明亮了,东边缊染出一片粉晕,由浅及深。慢慢地太阳探出了头,绽放着笑脸。初醒的大地也由朦胧渐渐转于明晰,随之变得五彩斑斓,无论行走在哪个角落都让人感受到春的气息:那爬满田间地头的绿,娇嫩欲滴;那镶嵌其中的油菜花,金黄灿灿;那山坡上、田埂边竞相盛开的梨花,一丛丛、一簇簇,晶莹如雪;那一株株似开未开的桃花,如少女含羞;还有那早起劳作的蜜蜂、五颜六色的蝴蝶,成双成对,在花红草绿间舞起了翩跹的舞姿;连小鸟们也经不住这春的诱惑,“叽叽喳喳”地唱着歌儿,一会儿往西,一会儿往东…… 【生1生2合】行进在春的晨光里,享受着这春晨的情怀,深深地感受到所有的希望都在春意盎然里生长…… 《春天里的希望》 【乙】是啊!春天,是美好的季节,是充满诗意的季节;春天又是学习的季节,是播种希望的季节,是放飞理想的季节,作为新时代的少年儿童,在新的学期里,我们应该做到以下几点: 【生3】



三、争当一专多能的现代少年。我们身处的时代需要各方面综合发展的人才,仅仅学好书本上的知识远远不能满足现代社会的需要。我们应当从小培养自己的特长和技能,课余时间积极参加学校阵地活动,熟练掌握现代信息技术,养成勤于课外阅读的习惯,不断拓宽事业,丰富知识。同时,我们还要加强锻炼,练就强健的体魄。 《春天里的知识》 【甲】当然,我们在努力学习的同时,也应该注意劳逸结合,身体和身心的健康也很重要。 【乙】是啊!春暖花开,繁花似锦的多风天气,最容易引发病毒性传染病,对于流感一类的传染病没有特效的治疗手段。下面我们就来了解一下预防春季传染病的一些措施和方法: 【生4】






(六):要随时注意增减衣服,以免受寒;饮食宜清淡富营养而易消化,少吃油腻煎炸及辛辣刺激的食品;还应多参加室外活动,早睡早起,以适应春天生机勃发的特点,维护身心健康。 【甲、乙】同学们,让我们一起加油!一起努力!成为一名身体好、思想优、学习棒的好少年。下面为大家送上一首歌曲《少年,少年,祖国的春天》! 【甲】各位老师,各位同学, 【乙】本期雏鹰小喇叭节目到此结束,本次播音有我( ),有我( ),……指导老师苏老师,配乐( )。谢谢大家收听,再见! Music opening song "Where is the spring." 【A】 snow can not stop the footsteps of spring, the wind and rain blowing eternal passion flame. [B] we bid farewell to the cold winter and usher in the warmth of spring. [Together] Dear students, of eight primary fluttereth small speaker program, and we met. 【A】 this program by (4) classes for everyone "feel the breath of spring", "spring of hope", "spring of knowledge" columns. I hope you like it. Feel the breath of spring - prose spring morning [B] × × ×, throughout the year you forite season? 【A】 ah - I like spring because spring recovery of all things, spring, more romantic you! [B] Can you recite a few of the first spring of poetry? 【A】 dishes a butterfly, you listen well. "春眠不觉晓 Everywhere Tiniao. Nights e and the wind and rain, Whispering Colour." As well as "Jasper makeup into a tree height, ten thousand green silk sash hanging I do not know Egeria who cut out? February spring like scissors." [B] and so on, listening to what you said, I also poetic Daihatsu, I also know that the days of street light rain run such as cakes, grass the color Yaokan nearly no most a year in spring and benefits, must win full Yan Liu Royal. "Tomb Sweeping Festival rain he, pedestrians Deep Sorrow by asking restaurants where, Yao Zhi Heng Fa Chuen shepherd." 【A】 Let us together, to appreciate that is a beautiful spring morning. Born 1] Some say spring is a ray of gentle wind brought, it was said that the spring is the inclusion in the drizzle fell, some said spring is enveloped in a warm aura out ...... spring too number of views, and my forite spring morning. [2] Southern early spring morning, students often shrouded in a thin layer of fog, such as yarn unadorned like Qinglong of the earth, another example of a rambling white curtain wall, looming, sometimes float and sometimes gathered, like a pure and noble fairy forward to the dough wind dancing in the Sound of even a small courtyard in which clusters of immature forest bamboo quietly Monsanto life throbbing tits should dim with crisp crow, swaying out the life of a Youran dance ...... [Students] walk through the countryside on both sides of the road, the grass blowing pants, covered with fine dew child, and the breath of spring truly ask exposed to the skin. Then I found far and near to green leaf strips children would end up at this time into a bud white, such as put on a soft and hazy Shayi, shy appointments with the spring; evergreen tree, Citrus tree, osmanthus tree lees quiet was also recreation sleeping in a dream as baby slightly and then sucking the dew in the early morning of the spring. Step fluffy soil, a fresh earthy, lingering at the tip of the nose, you will feel the seeds of life surging at the foot of a raw desire, born of passion outbreak in the soil, lift the feet I did not know how to fall, it will be a prevailing fear of accidentally strangle the fragile life. [Students] getting brighter, east of the Frame of dye out of a pink halo from shallow and deep. Slowly the sun poked the head, and shine with a smiling face. Earth awakened by the dim gradually turn clear, are being colorful walking no matter in which corner people feel the breath of spring: that covered the fields of green, delicate dripping; mosaic Rape flowers, gold style yellow; on that hillside, ridge side peting bloom pear clumps, clusters of glistening snow; peach which Zhu Zhu may open not open, such as the girl ignominy;, there was up early labor bees colorful butterflies, in pairs, bonus grass green sior or lightly dancing; birds were unable to withstand the temptation of this spring, "twitter" singing children, while west, while east ...... [Health 1 and 2 in] the road in the spring of the morning enjoying the feelings of this spring morning, deeply impressed all hope for growth in the spring ... "Spring of hope" [B] Yeah! Spring is a wonderful season, season poetic; spring is a season of learning, the sowing season of hope, is flying the ideal season, as the children of the new era, a new semester, we should do the following points: 【3】 students vying civilization disciplined good boy. Romain Rolland said: not a great character, there is no great man, not even the great artists, great actors. For each individual, it is most important to develop good behior and moral character. I hope in the new semester, the students learn to smile, Thanksgiving, mitment, thrift, cooperation ... strengthen the code of conduct, health habits, study habits, develop good moral qualities. Second, study hard and strive to bee good students. The success of any one person can not do without hard work. : Smart due diligence, the genius is in the accumulation of a famous mathematician Hua said. The famous Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci: hard-working day, can get good night's sleep; industrious and cry, be happy sleep. Day is the morning, went to school in the morning to seize the morning reading, seriously better each lesson, listen carefully, positive thinking, enthusiastic speeches, good at finding the problem and solve the problem in a timely manner, meticulous finish the job, and continue to find our hearts , thinking, access to knowledge, and constantly practicing diligent. Third, striving to modern young Yizhuanduoneng. We live in the era of prehensive development of all aspects of talent, just learn book knowledge is far from meeting the needs of modern society. We should young to their strengths and skills, spare time actively participate in school positions, a master of modern information technology, develop diligent extracurricular reading habits, constantly widen the cause, and a wealth of knowledge. At the same time, we need to strengthen the training, he learned a strong physique. "Spring's knowledge." [A] Of course, while we strive to learn, but also should pay attention to work and rest, physical and mental and physical health is also very important. [B] Yeah! Spring blossoming windy weather, most likely to cause viral diseases, there is no specific treatment for influenza infectious diseases means. Here we take a look at some measures and methods to prevent the spring of infectious diseases: [Health] (a) to maintain good personal and environmental hygiene. Usually do wash their hands with soap or hand sanitizer and wash your hands with running water, without the dirty towel towels. (B) patients with flu sneezes or a handkerchief or tissue to cover your nose and mouth when you cough, wear a mask when they go out, to oid infecting others. (C) a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate rest and oid fatigue. (D) the ventilation window several times a day, to keep indoor air fresh. (E) in the flu season, try less than many people crowded, polluted air spaces; must be forced to go, it is best to wear a mask. (F): To pay attention to change the clothes, so as not to catch cold; diet should be light, nutritious and easy to digest, eat less greasy fried and spicy food; should also take part in outdoor activities, Early to bed and early to rise, to adapt to the spring vitality blooming characteristics, maintenance of physical and mental health. [A, B] classmates, let us together! Work together! Being abody good, excellent, thought, learning stick juvenile. Here, I will send a song "Junior, Junior, motherland spring"! 【A】 teachers, fellow students, [B] Current Eagles small speakers program ends, the broadcast (), (), ... instructor Su soundtrack (). Thank you for listening to, goodbye!


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