[爱护校园卫生广播稿]尊敬的教职员工们、亲爱的同学们: 我校作为一所培育了无数国家栋梁和社会精英的世纪名校,有着与百年名校相媲美的花木繁茂、碧草如茵、巍峨殿堂的幽雅美丽校园环境。近年来,学...+阅读
尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们,大家好! 红领巾广播站又和大家碰面了!在新的一天,我们把最精彩的节目呈现给大家! 现在,让《健康快车》给我们一个金色的童年,健康的回忆. 所以,让我们一起登上《健康快车》吧! 春季好发的呼吸道传染病有普通感冒、流行性感冒等。这些传染病的主要传染途径是病原体通过呼吸道的排泄物(如飞沫等)传播的。秋季天气转冷,我们同学在外边的活动减少了,多集中在教室内,这就增加了传染机会。为了御寒,习惯把门窗关得很严,室内外的空气很难交换,空气相对静止的室内,这时带有病菌、病毒的飞沫在空气中飘浮,我们在教室时间又长,空气不新鲜,就很容易感染呼吸道传染病。另外,寒冷的空气会使鼻黏膜的血管收缩,降低呼吸道的抵抗力,这也是容易得病的一个原因。那我们该如何预防呢?
4、尽量减少到空气不流通的场所取去。 同学们,你们都听到了吗?希望每个队员都能保护好自己的身体,有了良好的体魄,我们才能更积极愉快地投入到学习和生活中去。 时间过得真快啊!我们的红领巾广播也要和你们说再见了,我们衷心地祝愿:红领巾广播台能成为你的良师益友。愿它能带走你所有的烦恼,为你带去无尽的欢乐。希望大家能从自我做起,养成讲卫生的好习惯,让我们共同战胜禽流感。 明天同一时间不见不散!同学们,再见! Dear teacher, dear students, Hello, everybody! The red scarf broadcast stations and meet the new day, we he the most exciting program presented to everyone! Now, let the "Lifeline Express" gives us a golden childhood, healthy memories. So, let us boarded the "Lifeline Express"! Spring predilection mon cold, influenza and other respiratory diseases. The main mode of transmission of these infectious pathogens through respiratory excretions (droplets) spread. The autumn weather turns cold, our students in activities outside reduced, mostly concentrated in the classroom, which increase the transmission opportunities. To keep out the cold, the habits of the doors and windows shut very strict, very difficult to exchange of indoor and outdoor air, relatively static indoor air, this time with the germs the virus droplets floating in the air, and long in the classroom time, the air is not fresh , it is easy to respiratory tract infections. In addition, the cold air makes the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa contraction, the lower the resistance of the respiratory tract, which is easy to get sick a reason. So how do we prevent it? 1, the classroom every day to ensure that the timing ventilation, keep the air fresh. 2, students want to enhance physical activity, enhance disease resistance. To get outdoors, and timely change clothes. Develop good health behiors, usually drink more water, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and protect "the disease from the mouth" Off. Minimize poorly ventilated spaces taken away. Students, you all hear that? I hope each team can protect their own bodies, with a good physique, we can more actively and happily go into learning and life. How time flies! Our red scarf broadcast should and you say goodbye, we sincerely hope that the: red scarf broadcast station can be your mentor. May it can take away all your worries, bring you endless joy. I hope that everyone will self-start and develop good habits of hygiene, let us work together to overe the ian flu. Tomorrow at the same time there or be square! Students, goodbye!
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