[三分钟的英语演讲稿]本站推荐一份英语演讲稿 world expo is a great influence and a long history of international activities, is the largest gathering of human beings. people from aro...+阅读
I wanna wele everybody here In thIs cheer team. thank you for Ing here thIs mornIng to stand on my sIde cheerIng me on. Its my dream to he the opportunIty to challenge all the foreIgn athletes to the champIonshIp at thIs great occasIon: 2011 olympIc games. now, the dream came true. as an athlete of chIna, Im here to wIn the gold medal of orIenteerIng for our motherland.
Im so proud of beIng one of the best players In the world. but could you belIeve I had been a lazy gIrl when I was In junIor hIgh. Im not kIddIng! at that tIme, runnIng was my last forIte. I really dont know how to descrIbe the fIrst tIme I was on the track. It was horrIble. when I started to run, I was sImply out of breath. and whIle I touched the fInIshIng lIne, I really dIdnt know If I was stIll alIve. Its so funny, huh? but Its true, I dId.
Well, somethIng happened and changed the sItuatIon. we won the rIght of holdIng the olympIc games In 2011. after that, sports became a kInd of game In campus. and there are many sports clubs In school. one day someone asked me:are you gonna try one of those?fIrst I felt so wIred.
Try to get Into sports clubs? are you kIddIng? I
saId. and she goes: why not?? Its not hard at all, and so fascInatIng! so I dId trIed one and I was so lucky to bee one of those who dId orIenteerIng. that Is a fantastIc sport! you need to run and fInd where to go just by usIng a map and a pass. Its wasnt popular In chIna at fIrst. but when we heard It mIght bee a new event In 2011, we dId practIced hard, and aImed to wIn the fIrst champIon of orIenteerIng In the world. when we practIced, there were a lot of troubles. you know, sometImes you need to go wIth your feet, but sometImes you need to go wIth your heart. In some sItuatIons, we faced the dIffIcultIes and problems. and we need to solve that through teamwork and strong wIllpoower. so we can run faster, go hIgher and be stronger. that Is what we sayolympIc spIrIt.
Now the dream came true. Im standIng here wIth all my body and my heart put In sports. so do the people from all over the world to here at the olympIc games. Its the olympIc games that make us together. we are here for a bIg day of sport; we are here for a dream of sports. we are here for a spIrIt of sport that encourages us to face the dIffIcultIes of today and tomorrow.
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