简介:为什么有的人学了10年的英语还是开不了口?而另一些人却能迅速掌握一门外语?上世纪80年代,语言学家Chris Lonsdale来到中国,仅用6个月的时间他就能说出流利的普通话。他是怎么做到的?一起来听听他的学习方法吧!He you ever held a question in mind for so long that it bees part of how you think? Maybe even part of who you are as a person? Well Ive had a question in my mind for many, many years and that is: how can you speed up learning? Now, this is an interesting question because if you speed up learning you can spend less time at school. And if you learn really fast, you probably wouldnt he to go to school at all.Now, when I was young, school was sort of okay but I found quite often that school got in the way of learning so I had this question in mind: how do you learn faster? And this began when I was very, very young, when I was about eleven years old I wrote a letter to researchers in the Soviet Union, asking about hypnopaedia, this is sleep learning, where you get a tape recorder, you put it beside your bed and it turns on in the middle of the night when youre sleeping, and youre supposed to be learning from this.A good idea, unfortunately it doesnt work. But, hypnopaedia did open the doors to research in other areas and weve had incredible discoveries about learning that began with that first question. I went on from there to bee passionate about psychology and I he been involved in psychology in many ways for the rest of my life up until this point. In 1981 I took myself to China and I decided that I was going to be native level in Chinese inside two years.Now, you need to understand that in 1981, everybody thought Chinese was really, really difficult and that a westerner could study for ten years or more and never really get very good at it. And I also went in with a different idea which was: taking all of the conclusions from psychological research up to that point and applying them to the learning process. What was really cool was that in six months I was fluent in Mandarin Chinese and took a little bit longer to get up to native. But I looked around and I saw all of these people from different countries struggling terribly with Chinese, I saw Chinese people struggling terribly to learn English and other languages, and so my question got refined down to: how can you help a normal adult learn a new language quickly, easily and effectively?Now this a really, really important question in todays world. We he massive challenges with environment we he massive challenges with social dislocation, with wars, all sorts of things going on and if we cant municate were really going to he difficulty solving these problems. So we need to be able to speak each others languages, this is really, really important.The question then is how do you do that. Well, its actually really easy. You look around for people who can already do it, you look for situations where its already working and then you identify the principles and apply them. Its called modelling and Ive been looking at language learning and modelling language learning for about fifteen to twenty years now.And my conclusion, my observation from this is that any adult can learn a second language to fluency inside six months. Now when I say this, most people think Im crazy, this is not possible. So let me remind everybody of the history of human progress, its all about expanding our limits.In 1950 everybody believed that running one mile in four minutes was impossible and then Roger Bannister did it in 1956 and from there its got shorter and shorter. 100 years ago everybody believed that hey stuff doesnt fly. Except it does and we all know this. How does hey stuff fly? We reanise the materials using principles that we he learned from observing nature, birds in this case. And today weve gone ever further, so you can fly a car. You can buy one of these for a couple hundred thousand US dollars. We now he cars in the world that can fly. And theres a different way to fly that weve learned from squirrels. So all you need to do is copy what a flying squirrel does, build a suit called a wing suit and off you go, you can fly like a squirrel.No, most people, a lot of people, I wouldnt say everybody but a lot of people think they cant draw. However there are some key principles, five principles that you can apply to learning to draw and you can 2 actually learn to draw in five days. So, if you draw like this, you learn these principles for five days and apply them and after five days you can draw something like this. Now I know this is true because that was my first drawing and after five days of applying these principles that was what I was able to do. And I looked at this and I went wow, so thats how I look like when Im concentrating so intensely that my brain is exploding. So, anybody can learn to draw in five days and in the same way, with the same logic, anybody can learn a second language in six months.
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