

11月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[财会基础管理存在问题和预防对策的思考]财会基础管理存在问题和预防对策的思考 基础管理工作是一项庞大而复杂的系统工程,“基础不牢,地动山摇”、“安全出效益”——这些都是我们长期总结出来的经验和教训。近年来,...+阅读

Ladies and gentlemen:Im glad you could make it.Id like your attention,please.

I he five words of advice.Theyll improve your life.They are Prevention is better than cure.

This means plan ahead.Expect the unexpected.Anticipate trouble in advance.

A solution canbe costly.A remedy can be too late.Avoid problems before they happen.

Americans like to say,Prepare for a rainy day.Prepare for tough times and bad luck.

Here are three prevention tips.They are priceless suggestions.They are worth their weight in gold.

First,get medically smart.Get physically fit.Youll add many years to your life.

Learn about good health and nutrition.Learn basic first aid and C.P.R.You might se a life someday! Get a yearly checkup.Exercise to stay young.Exercise to feel great and energetic.

Second,be financially educated.Se money like crazy.Se and

invest as wisely as you can.

Be legally adept.Be a moary expert.Be petent with taxes and banking.

He prehensive insurance policies.He knowledge of your rights.These are great assets in times of trouble.

Third,bee accident alert.Bee environmentally aware.Always be on the lookout for danger.

Avoid reckless people.Avoid dangerous situations.Be cautious and use mon sense.

Practice disaster drills at home.Practice emerency plans.Never be caught unprepared.

Every life has some crises.Everyone experiences hardship.Good prevention can pull you through.

Life demands preparation.Life requires good planning.Never,ever rely on good luck.

Thank you for listening.Remember that prevention beats a cure any day.Smooth sailing and he a great day.



英语演讲稿:The Great Society

最新英语演讲稿:To Grow a Heart



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