[求一篇英语演讲稿2分钟左右的谢谢任何主题都可以]楼主你好,演讲主题可以是My mother I have a great mother. She cares much about me in my life and study. In the morning, she gets up early to make breakfast for me....+阅读
尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 我是x年x班的xxx,我这次演讲的题目是“美德少年”! 我自懂事起,爸爸妈妈就告诉我要做一个正直的人,一个有责任心的人。上小学以后,在老师的言传身教中,我的心越来越明亮,要做一个正直的人,就要在各方面严格要求自己,从小事做起,从眼前做起。在学校,我尊敬老师,团结同学,对于有困难的同学,我总是真诚地帮助他们。有的同学上课忘了带学习用具,我拿出自己心爱的文具借给他们;有的同学有不会的问题,我总是热情耐心的讲解。每次学校组织献爱心活动,我都能积极参与,拿出自己的零花钱,去帮助那些需要帮助的人,我感到能为他人做点事情是快乐的。 在家里,人人夸我是个好孩子,爷爷奶奶疼我,爸爸妈妈爱我,我明白这些,我知道他们的艰辛,因此我愿做他们的开心果。我主动做一些力所能及的事情,如早晨起床叠被子,洗袜子等等。俗话说,女儿是爸爸妈妈的贴心小棉袄,爸爸有时带着一身疲惫下班回家,我就主动给他捶捶背,给他讲故事听,爸爸可高兴了! 在这次“美德少年”评比活动开展以后,在生活和学习中,我会更严格的要求自己,用自己的行动来感化身边的人,一枝独秀不是春,百花齐放春满园。让我们一起向“美德少年”迈步,向自己的理想迈步,向自己丰富多彩的人生迈步! 谢谢大家!
帮忙写一篇2分钟的英语演讲稿林花谢了春红,太匆匆! 时光的年轮不停地旋转着芬芳的岁月,光阴无声无息地流逝,那样释然、从容。 转眼间,十三个春秋就这样乍然流失,犹如雁过般不留痕迹。——啊,最后一个“六一”了...
两分钟英文演讲稿去文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:英语教学 励志英文演讲一: The 10 habits that make you more attractive The 10 habits that will make you more attractive and get peo...
两分钟英语演讲稿One morning, I was on my way to school. I was sending a short message to my friend, then I just slipped my cellphone into my pocket. Although I thought maybe it...
求一片英语演讲稿一两分钟的简单的Hi everyone, today I am going to talk about the importance of home. Home is a piece of land that is not polluted, it will stay fresh ang green for your lifetime...
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两分钟读完的英语演讲稿别太短别太长五年级一看就会的!急急Hello,everyone,my name is ....I'm ...years old.I study in ....parimary school,I'm in class ....,Grade .....I have many hobbies.I like play the piano ,listen to...
求英语演讲稿一篇大概两分钟吧是课前演讲啊(手上没有比较诙谐的,但这个也可以) Time Time is an equal opportunity empolyer,(时间是个公平的老板)Each human has exactly the same number of hours and minut...
我想要篇两分钟的英语演讲稿这篇可以参考,长短适合的:)~~ Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! I'm very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Man's life is a process of growing up, act...
要一篇两分钟的英语短文演讲稿Dear teacher and classmates: I am very glad to say something here. At this time, I'd like to talk about my hobbies. I have many hobbies. First, I like playing v...