介绍嘉兴的 Jiaxing has abundant culture relics and tourism interests. There are beautiful tide, lakes and rivers. To the south of city, there are the revolutionary saint place of South Lake and other places like Xitang-living ancient town of thousands of years; 9 dragon sea shore of the south east coast of Pinghu, which is called the .Oriental Hawaii; south and north lake of Haiyan, which is famous for a truly water and mountain; Qiantang river tide, a wonder of Haining; Wu Zhen, the birth place of Maodun in Tongxiang. In addition, there are more than 130 county level culture relics protection places. In 2002, the tourism industry of the city saw a sustained increase by receiving overseas guests of 224,300, which is 133.3% higher than that of last year; receiving domestic guest of 8.59 million, which is 21.5% higher than that of last year. Jiaxing has passed the evaluation of the state tourism bureau and becomes an excellent tourist city in China 自己找几张图片,做成ppt就ok了
写演讲稿需要注意的一些方面以及技巧技巧方面还是蛮多的,着重从步骤开始慢慢帮题主理清思路吧! 演讲稿写作步骤1:重点突出 TED的讲话着重于“一个值得传播的想法”,这样有助于他们保留自己的权力。在写一条线之前弄...
演讲要素要注意哪些登台演讲重仪表 做好演讲或即兴发言,主要靠好的语言功底,还要辅以美的演讲态势。态势指仪表、姿态、神情、动作诸方面,它包括立与坐、眼神、手势身体动作、步伐移动等。讲,是有...
演讲的基本要求有哪些有什么技巧演讲的基本要求有:1、内容要准确。 2、语言要生动、有趣。 3、要有真情实感的流露。 演讲的技巧有: 1.做好演讲的准备 包括了解听众,熟悉主题和内容,找资料,准备演讲稿,适当的演练...
演讲的注意事项有哪些演讲注意事项 1 、演讲的前一晚必须睡眠充足,使喉咙获得良好的休息。 2 、穿着合宜得体的服装。 3 、在演讲前,如果有机会与听众打成一片,应该把握住,与听众握握手,对他们微笑,或...
急求关于关注心理健康珍惜生命热爱生活的心理演讲稿健康心理,完美人生。 处在班级体中的个体,不要忽视你自己的存在,你们中的每一个人都是班级体中的一份子。知道吗,你的一言一行都会牵动着班上每一个人的心。 早上,你换了与平时不...
求英语ppt演讲话题做个PPT 也太麻烦了,给你点资料吧 Learning abilities differ from man to man. If this can be true then why can't there remain variation in the system of imparting e...
求一份适合大学生的英语PPT演讲稿 5分钟要好读的幻灯片和稿子都My definition of success Today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. What is success? It is what everyone is longing for.Sometimes su...
急需英语演讲稿带PPT的 35分钟这篇演讲稿可以是如下: Ladies and Gentlemen,today I want to talk about the differences between English and Chinese.English is very different from Chinese.The soun...