[中国人为什么学英语英文演讲稿]阁下,您好。我来试试啊。请参考。 why should we leatn english,ladies and gentalmem,as we all know,english is an international language,maybe some of us may think o...+阅读
Collage is the door to the society,so is the door to our heart.Upon my step into the university's gate,I was totally fascinated by the tall exprimental building and the grand library.I could even wait to join the parties and associations which I read from the notice board.It seemed like that the collage life was so good that I might be completely stuck and didn't want to graduate.
But is our collage a harbor or a haven for us to enjoy?We just celebrate that we've escaped high school and hard word but we forget what we're in the collage for.For enjoyment?For pleasure?Or for our future. Everyone has had a test before to see wether we can outstand from the millions.We passed the collage entrance exam and we're here.But now we're have another test to see wether we can get rid of the lure,wether we can indure the loneliness.If we win,we pass.If we fail,we fail.
At this time I want to assure me that every activity I take in the collage is not just for fun.Study a little bit harder,and grow a little bit stronger.
求一篇以大学为主题的演讲稿亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家好!我今天要演讲的题目是:《我难忘的大学生活》 2015年9月我从地处偏僻的黄金乡来到这旅游名城哈尔滨,走进了旅游学院,圆了我多年梦寐以求的大学梦。有...
求大学演讲稿要求1000字左右好文章的来父母呼,应勿缓;父母命,行勿懒。 父母教,须敬听;父母责,须顺承。 冬则温,夏则清;晨则省,昏则定。 出必告,反必面;居有常,业无变。 这是《弟子规》里面的一段,也是我最喜欢的一段。它告诉了...
有关大学梦的优秀励志演讲稿我醒来了 带着成功者的自信与使命醒来。 满怀喜悦、满怀感激、经过夜的滋润,我身体里的每个细胞都恢复到最佳状态; 我的心灵、因汲取成功心法那种力量而强大无比! 今天、是我实...
我的大学演讲稿怎么写怎样写好演讲稿 一、了解对象,有的放矢 演讲稿是讲给人听的,因此,写演讲稿首先要了解听众对象:了解他们的思想状况、文 化程度、职业状况如何;了解他们所关心和迫切需要解决的问...
你心中对朋友的定义的演讲稿怎么写我对朋友的标准满足下面两条: 1.你可以和Ta说内心真实的想法 2.Ta不会把自己的想法强加给你 现在觉得就这两点,而且这两点都很重要。 第一条,你和他说任何话,都不用担心他会转头...
我的好老师演讲稿800字展开全部 说到老师,很多人会把他们跟春蚕,跟蜡烛连在一起,古人的诗亦是如此: 春蚕到死丝方尽, 蜡炬成灰泪始干。 虽然老师的精神跟这鞋东西很像,但老师身上具有的,不是某一样东西就...
请以我的大学生活为题写一篇英语演讲稿我的大学生活(103字) ==================== I am majoring in English in my university. At first, I got very nervous whenever I have to give my opinion and make a pre...