

12月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[要关于尊敬的老师的演讲稿]一 你在校园里辛勤地耕耘。你早已把心种了下去,在年复一年的期待中,看着你的诗句从校园里长出,在人们的嘴中被吟诵成果实。 呵,老师,校园里有着你的骄傲和光荣。在你呕心沥血的浇...+阅读

The Lion and the Mouse

A Lion was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his face. Rising up angrily, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously entreated, saying: "If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness." The Lion laughed and let him go. It happened shortly after this that the Lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the ground. The Mouse, recognizing his roar, came and gnawed the rope with his teeth and set him free, exclaiming:

"You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favor; now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to con benefits on a Lion."

狮子睡着了,有只老鼠跳到了他身上。狮子猛然站起来,把他抓住,准备吃掉。老鼠请求饶命,并说如果保住性命,必将报恩,狮子轻蔑地笑了笑,便把他放走了。不久,狮子真的被老鼠救了性命。原来狮子被一个猎人抓获,并用绳索把他捆在一棵树上。老鼠听到了他 的哀嚎,走过去咬断绳索,放走了狮子,并说:

“你当时嘲笑我,不相信能得到我的报答, 现在可清楚了,老鼠也能报恩。” 这故事说明,时运交替变更,强者也会有需要弱者的时候。


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