

12月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[运动会演讲稿作文连续四篇每篇100字]永远为你喝彩 是谁说过, 鲜花与掌声只属于成功者。 这只是因为, 坚持就是胜利。 或许,鼓励的话说了太多太多。 但,这掌声发自我们内心。 这鲜花是我们为你送上的最好的礼物! 请记...+阅读

Dear teachers and dear friends: Good afternoon. I am Chen Mo and I am a student of Chen Jinglun Middle school. Now, protecting the environment is really an important thing for us. So, today, my topic is **, we are going to talk about the importance of protecting the environment and what we can do to stop the pollution. Well, let's image if we don't protect the environment,there would be no clean water in the lake but nasty mud; the sky would not be blue but gray; the air would not be fresh but dirty; our friend--animals, would have no home to live. We, humans would have to look for another place to live, but we can't find any, just for living! How do you think of it? Do you want to see this picture in the future? In my opinion, I hate it. I think it is very terrible. Let's see what 武器 do we have. First, science. It is a 锋利的剑. If we use it in a right way, we would 从中获利. Second, teamwork.Protecting the environment is not something that can BE done by one or two people. It needs all of us to join in, to mark the earth a better place. Maybe you are thinking: I am a child, we can't do any things for it. But I want to say: Kids,like you and me,are very important, we can do a lot of things. For example: 1. don't waste the water; 2. don't use the plastic bag; 3. plant more and more trees and so on. Any way, I believe if every one tries their best to protect the enviroment,we will make a big difference.Our home, earth, will become more and more beautiful!


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