[小学升旗仪式讲话]升旗仪式演讲稿 ——没有最好,只有更好 时光轮回,万物更新。,经过一个暑假的休养,我们共同打开了新学期的扉页。李大钊先生曾经说过:人生最有趣味的事情,就是送旧迎新,因为人类最高...+阅读
这个是我们学校开模联时候我们学校那次模联领导的发言稿,这个部分正好是我负责的,所以我有。Dear Honorable Delegates, Faculty and Staff,Good morning!On behalf of the xxxx(这里写你们组织部门或模联协会什么的),I warmly welcome you to xx Model United Nations. This conference allows delegates with diverse backgrounds and interests. And it is a opportunity to develop new friendships, new ideas, and new ways of solving the world's problems.Over the past years, the xx MUN in our school has made great progress. XXXXX(这里写你们学校的以前几届的模联情况,由于不知道你们的情况,所以没给你写)Participation in this simulation represents a unique opportunity for delegates, faculty, and staff alke. As you gather together with over XX(写数目)students, we encourage each and every one of you to ignite in each other the spirit of cooperation and passion.Undoubtedly, your extensive preparation has equipped you for the challenges of a simulation of this magnitude. Our discussions on poverty, trade, health, food security, climate change, peace, security and universal education, carry considerable weight. As you participate in your respective committee, I implore you to not only think and work deliberately in writing resolutions and working papers, but also to act thoughtfully on the issues discussed. While there are many hurdles to ending widespread poverty, and securing peace and stability, the history of the United Nations proves that we can achieve great things.Once again, I welcome you to the XX Model United Nations. And sincerely hoe that this event will be an enriching and wonderful educational experience.Enjoy the conference! I hope you all show your energy and talent!Thank you!这个估计应该能帮到你了
不能乱丢乱扔演讲内容:在国旗下讲话课间操时老师们、同学们: 大家早上好!今天我国旗下讲话的题目是校园卫生,人人有责。 学校是一个育人的摇篮,使一方纯净的沃土,然而我们的校园中常常出现一些不好的现象。清晨我们到校的第...
小学班主任第一次与学生的讲话稿演讲切记要互动。开场可以说:“同学们!你们好吗!?” 回答肯定是:“好!!”。再问:“想不想成为一个好孩子啊?!”。回答肯定是:“想!”。 这样,现场气氛就活跃起来了。 接着,可以这样说:“看...
新班主任在第一次班会上的形象和讲话设计一个方案额。。。。。。。。。 1、着便装要整洁,不要西装领带,让人看了拒人千里之外的感觉。 2、会前深入学生搜集班级存在的问题做好解决方案。 3、发言的时候注意言语通俗易懂,不要咬...
打算当班主任带大一的新生如何进行第一次全班见面讲话看来不只是学生见新老师紧张,老师也很紧张啊:-) 要讲什么,这得看你的性格,以及你想在学生们面前怎么定位。如果你想和大家融洽相处,以后多和大家打交道,就说一些轻松的话题,先简单的...
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求一篇揭牌仪式的讲话稿单位被评为了五星服务网点银行业协会的领在集团揭牌仪式上董事长讲话同志们: 上午好,近年来,山东z集团有限公司在全体干部职工的共同努力下,各项事业得到了快速发展,经营实力和发展后劲显着增强,管理理念和管理水平显着提...
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