[关于长方形与正方形的认识怎样设计小学教学方案?]拿四根棍子,四根比一下,都一样长就可以用钉子钉成一个正方形,反之则否,长方形同理. 老师口述:“在日常生活中,我们见到的物体有各种形状(老师边说边拿出一本书给大家看),大家看,这是一...+阅读
1。 Technology made communication a whole lot easier。 With things such as internet we can now talk to our family and friends on the other side of earth。 2。 Technology made transportation a lot quicker, with vehicles like planes and jets we can now go anywhere we want much faster。 3。 With high technology we can now achieve what human workers alone cannot。 Machines can go where humans can't(e。 g。 undersea), plus, they do the work better than humans, too。4。 Technology means convenience, while machine helps us do our work, and our time is being saved, and we can spend that time on more meaningful things。 -------------------那个,我就不打翻译了啊。。。要的话给我发消息。
长方体有几条棱和几个顶点认识长方体和正方体教案长方体和正方体的表面积,长方体表面积的计算 教学设计 教学要求①使学生理解长方体和正方体表面积的意义,掌握长方体表面积的计算方法。②在引导学生理解和推导长方体表面积计...
辩论赛反方经典辩词网络利弊利: 网络,给信息带来了强大而有力的传播途径,并且大大缩短了信息发布和接收的时间,避免了许多不必要的资源浪费。 自从网络开始慢慢普及,各大公司纷纷在网上建立自己的网页和网站...
关于网络利弊的辩论赛正方提问反方的问题好处是 1、可以方便快捷的获取信息 2、还有玩些互动的游戏 3、在网络上总能找到和自己心态相投的朋友,通信交流也很方便 4、上网是出现电视之后又一次对人类社会的生活方式冲...
急求英语辩论赛的论词如果是一辩,那你的发言就很重要。watching tv is really a kind of waste of time.nowadays more and more students spent more time on waching tv and less and less time...
英语辩论赛的辩论词Firsty,almost everybody assumes that our life cannot be happy without friendship.Absolutely,for our students.boys and girls have different views on a same thing...
急求英语辩论赛稿词Criminals, by and large, must be risk-lovers--otherwise they'd be car-wash attendants instead of criminals. Lottery players, by and large, must be risk-lovers--...
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