Lunch is the most important meal of the day. Therefore, people have to make sure they get enough nutrients during the lunch meal, especially students. Students' bodies are growing everyday, lots of nutrients are needed to support the growth rate. A very good way to make sure that students are getting a good lunch is to have parents bringing the hot lunch to the students. But there's is a common problem to this, some school have policies that are not allowing parents to be inside the school primeter. Therefore, it is impossible for parents to bring lunch to the students. I believe this is a very bad policy.
Without the parents bringing lunch to the students, the students in school are often not getting enough nutrients or food from the lunches at school. Therefore, students often stay hungry after lunch. Due to the hunger, students will not be able to learn or listen well in class. This will lead to drop in grades and poor performance in school.
Also, because of the intense learning, students often stay in school even during the weekends. This means they do not get to see very much of their parents and family. With the rule of not allowing parents to bring lunch to the students, the students now do not get to see their at all during the week, two weeks, or even a whole month. This will not only potentialy break up relationship between the students and family, it may also causes students to do bad in school beacuse they are sad from not being able to see their family.
From all the facts above, it is very clear that not allowing parents to bring lunch to students is a very bad policy. This policy holds back students on their growth, their students, and cause problem in families. Therefore, this policy should be get rid of.
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