
急求一篇英语演讲稿 future is now

01月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Future is now Fasten your belt, gonna go! FUTURE IS NOW Good evening, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, my friends, For some people, future is past; they indulge in the memory of yesterday's sound and fury. For others, future is future; they wallow in the fantasy of tomorrow's fame and glory. Yet for me, future is now; Tomorrow is bred in Today. In agreement with me is Browning, as her poem goes: We cannot change Yesterday --- that is quite clear. Or begin on Tomorrow until it is here: So all that remains, both for you and for me. Is to make every Today as sweet as can be. Future is not past. Being given to the golden or leaden memory does no good, if not harm. Future is not future. Being lost in the rosy dreams seldom yields results, if ever. Rather, future is now. It is not something we enter. It is something we create. What defines the future is not what you were, nor what you will be, but what you are. Things done are done; things to be done are not yet here; so it is most practical to do things that you can, when you still have the chance to. Future is now. It is not created in the past, nor in the future, but at the present. But how? The past is a source of knowledge, and the future a source of hope. Just as Today is never and shall never be separated from Yesterday and Tomorrow, to seize the present is not to forget about the past, but to learn from it; nor is it to hustle into future, but to plan for it. Other wise, the past should have passed in vain, and so should the future. Opportunity falls on prepared minds, so does the future. The best preparation for the future, is the present well seen to, and the last duty done. So and so, those who learn from the past, plan for the future and firmly seize the present will surely own the future world. And no more hesitation, my friends, try, at least to seize the hours left today. 就是这样了,应该会用到吧。


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