

01月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文诗歌朗诵比赛策划书]给篇参考范文你看吧! 比赛目的:本次ELAA短文诗歌朗诵大赛意在锻炼和战线我外国语学院新生英语和风采。加深同学对英语国家文化的理解,丰富大学新生的课余生活。让同学们更快地...+阅读

With grief, human nature. Especially in material life and developed society, besides, we care much more of a heart, to care for others, care and attention life world. So whenever disasters and pain occurs, more and more people to join the "volunteers", want to do our bit to help more people out of trouble. However, one cavity warm blood, body is not willing volunteers dedication could do work. In this I with several years of experience, and volunteer work responsibly said - please carefully for volunteers. Choose to be a volunteer. This is a difficult to walk that way If choose, is responsible for yourself, do a qualified volunteer, stick to it!

存悲悯,人之常情。尤其在物质生活越来越发达的社会里,除了关心自己,我们多了更多的一份心,去关怀他人,关心世界,关注生命。所以每当灾难和苦痛发生时,越来越多的人加入了“志愿者”的队伍,希望尽自己的绵薄之力,帮助更多的人走出困境。 但是,志愿者并非一腔热血,愿意身心奉献就能做好的工作。 在此本人以数年的志愿工作服务经验,负责任地说——请慎为志愿者。选择做志愿者,要先清楚这是一条很难走的路 既然选择了,就要对自己负责,做一名合格的志愿者,坚持下去!


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