[第一课身边的故事主题演讲稿]发生在身边的故事 我们身边的故事不计其数,有多少精彩的故事在我们的身边扮演,有多少动人的故事让我们回味无穷。春华秋实,风霜雨露,品一杯感恩酒,浓浓的暖意便涌上了心头。 那是...+阅读
英语演讲比赛时用的原稿,效果不错 ! 题目 choice Everyone has a choice when he wakes up in the early morning.You can choose to be happy or sad all the day. But for me , I think I have responsibilities to fulfill all the day. So every morning my first job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have. Today I can complain because it is rainy or I can be grateful that the grass is watered for free. Today I can feel sad because I don't have more money or I can be glad that it will prevent me from wasting. Today I can feel very down because of a bad cold or I can rejoice that I am still alive. Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born. Today I can be disappionted for my lack of friends or I can be excited to discover new relationships. Today I can be exhausted because I have too much homework to do or I can feel honored because I'm getting closer to my dream in this way. What today will be like is just up to ourselves.We can get to choose what kind of day we will have! As teenagers,we stilll have much time to achieve our dreams, but the way to success is not so easy.If we choose to face it in a good mood and carry on trying,I believe we can enjoy the whole process and get to the destination of success much more easily and happily. In fact,everything depends on your own attitude.If you choose to be happy and positive,you will enjoy your work and have a good time.If you choose to be sad and negative,nothing good will come to you and your life will be colourless. The world around us is so beautiful.There is no reason why we don't enjoy it.So,everybody,let's choose to be happy everyday! Ok,that's all. Thanks for listening! 希望帮到你,望采纳!
以你的或者你身边的人的故事写一篇演讲稿身边的感动 题记—— 读书累了,爸爸妈妈为我们削一个苹果,是感动;口渴了,朋友帮你倒杯开水,是感动;沮丧时,得到一句宽慰的话,是感动;平凡的日子,收到一份小小的祝福,哪怕仅仅是一声轻轻...
身边难忘的事演讲稿在我的记忆中,许多往事如同沙滩上的脚印,当海浪卷来的时候,便消失无踪。而有些往事就如海底的珊瑚丛,永远鲜亮。其中有一丛珊瑚最大、最美,那就是这件事。 那年我才5岁,对什么都感...
以感恩教师父母为主题的演讲稿5 6分钟.感恩父母 鸟有反哺情,羊有跪乳恩,人,身为宇宙之主宰,亦有感恩之心感激之情. 怀抱一颗感恩的心,犹如在生命的旅途中点燃了一盏明灯;怀抱一颗感恩的心犹如掌握了人生宫殿一门门的钥...
有关歌颂老师的5分钟的演讲稿师魂颂——献给教师节 一 你在校园里辛勤地耕耘。你早已把心种了下去,在年复一年的期待中,看着你的诗句从校园里长出,在人们的嘴中被吟诵成果实。 呵,老师,校园里有着你的骄傲和...
感恩老师的演讲稿短急感恩老师 鲜花感恩雨露,因为雨露滋润它成长;苍鹰感恩长空,因为长空让它飞翔;高山感恩大地,因为大地让它高耸;我感恩,很多很多的人…… 我要感恩我的老师. 从咿呀学语的孩童到蒙学初...
如何做一个合格的毕业生演讲稿 300字左右尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 小学六年来,我在老师的辛勤教育和培养下茁壮成长,成为了一名品学兼优的好学生。学习上,我勤奋刻苦,爱动脑筋。课堂上,总能看到我高高举起的小手,总...