[帮忙写个英文的演讲小作文]Dear teachers, my friends and classmates: Today, I would like to talk to you about keeping our school campus clean and beautiful and live in harmony. We all kno...+阅读
补充:A very good morning/afternoon/evening to you ladies and gentlemen. My name is xxx, and I am the MC/host of the ceremony(典礼)/program(节目)tonight.(这一句你也可以说I am the Mc/host for tonight.主要看你主持那种节目咯)。A very warm welcome to all of you.
# I'll be leading you through the series of activities tonight. Please sit back and relax, and shall we start now?
# 我将带领你们观看/体验今晚的一系列节目。请坐好享受吧!那么,我们开始吧?
ps. 那句前面有# 的你自己看看要不要。还需要补充什么的话跟我说。
急求一篇以我的故事为题的英文演讲稿可否给予翻译I am a girl from an ordinary rural family. I experienced the darkest time in my life, when I came into the unversity in the first two months. My parents firmly...
要一篇英文演讲稿关于电影的This movie is delightful from start to finish. Although some of the coincidences and chance meetings are highly improbable (both going to NYC? Both watching the...
求一篇关于澳大利亚的英文演讲稿Brought to you by Dreamworld, Australia's newest water park, WhiteWater World is no ordinary water park - it's a water ride park. From the most extreme watersli...
大学英文辩论赛key point: 1. interest is the best teacher 2. doing interest things makes you happy 3. the major we choose may decide our future job, and since job is life long...
跪求学校元旦联欢会开场白和结束语要双人配合的我们系要举行联欢男:没有松风的秋,雁去长空;没有飞雪的冬,乍暖还寒。一夜高风凋碧树,凋不了青春不灭的火焰;满地余寒露凝香,凝不住你绝美的年华。 女:在这烛光与微笑构成的舞台,在这笑声与歌声汇成的...
模拟主持开场白开场白:尊敬的各位朋友,大家好。有这样一首诗,大家一定听过:“你站在桥上看风景 看风景的人在楼上看你 明月装饰了你的窗子 你装饰了别人的梦”,你看到怎样的风景,取决于你站的角...
英语演讲开场词和结束词开始: Honorable teachers and classmates,distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen: <;尊敬的老师们同学,尊贵的各位先生女士们> It is a great honor and pleasure to...