[小学生英语演讲稿我的家庭趣事]如果你问我最讨厌哪个季节,我会毫不犹豫地回答你:我最讨厌夏天!为什么?因为夏天蚊子多呀,我讨厌蚊子,自然也就讨厌夏天喽! 下面就来听听我对那可恶的蚊子的介绍吧!蚊子:昆虫,身体细长,...+阅读
Health is something,when you keep it; but it also is everything when you lost it.Although everybody kowns the importance of health,few consciously pay sufficient attention on keeping health,especially those who live busylives.It's a pity to see people suffer from diseases that caused by their carelessness and inactive behaviors. So,come on and do something good for your health. And,how to do it,you mean,how to keep fit ?In fact,it is a simple question. Generally speaking,you should just take care of your simple life. First,keep on excerising,no matter how busy you are,in fact,you should spend only a half or one hour on it every day.For example,to walk or to run a short line in the morning,or go to work by bike . Second,everybody should have a good behavior of life.DONNOT stand at night,just go to bed and wake up at suitable time;DONNOT smoke;DONNOT drink;DONNOT do anything harmful to your health. Third,take care of your diet.As we know,there are many healthy foods being sold nowadays,stop eating them.Just to take something give us a balance absorption;rice,meat,vegetables,fish and fruits,none of them can be absent in your normal diet.And,remember to rink enough water every day as water is a essential element to our bodies. Last but also important,keep an active psychology.Fill your heart with hope,love and peace.Meanwhile,refusesadness,hopelessness and hatred entering it. And then smile and keep smiling,it is just a sign of your health.
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