

01月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语演讲比赛 I can learn English well演讲稿]How To Learn English Well A lot of people like English. As the society advances, it is very important for us to learn English well. In fact, It is not very diff...+阅读



例①Today,I want to give you a speech,first,here is a story:

例②These days,a story of....(你故事的内容,用名词)has affected me alot,I want to tell it to you and also tell you something goes beyod the story that I understood.

例③let's come straight to a point story.


例①That is all,thak you!

例②The,key point of this story is that...(你故事的主题),thank you for listening!Bye!

例③Now,can you understand me?Bye-bye!


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