you're not alone
together we stand
i'll be by your side
you know i'll take your hand
when it gets cold
and it feels like the end
theres no place to go
you know i wont give in
no i wont give in.
keep holding on
'cause you know we'll make it through,
we'll make it through
just stay strong
cause you know i'm here for you,
i'm here for you
theres nothing you can say,
nothing you can do
theres no other way
when it comes to the truth
so keep holding on
cause you know we'll make it through,
we'll make it through.
so far away
i wish you were here
before it's too late
this could all disapear
before the doors close,
and it comes to an end
but with you by my side
i will fight and defend
i'll fight and defend
一年级关于走近自然赞美祖国的演讲稿老师同学们: 大家好! 今天我演讲的题目是“爱国主题” 作为一个中国人,我们都应当知道中华民族的屈辱历史。众所周知,中国历史上有一处华丽的宫殿:圆明园。它是由五位皇帝经150多...
关于真爱的英语演讲稿Only mother love is true love .It's gives everybody everything in all his life ,When you are still a baby ,mother takes good care of you as much as possible. In...
简单英语演讲稿带翻译关于真爱短而简单Youthisnotatimeoflife;itisastateofmind;itisnotamatterof rosycheeks,redlipsandsuppleknees;itisamatterofthewill,a qualityoftheimagination,avigoroftheemotions;itis...
真爱在我们身边演讲稿写得很棒那服务在身边怎么写谢谢!服务在身边 笔者一位朋友是深圳一家大公司老总,每次回到家乡,总雷打不动住一家酒店———华天。“这里的服务无可挑剔,从进门到停车,从用餐到进房,令人舒服到了心底。”老总所言...
求诗歌式演讲稿思想与反对世俗追求真爱写给80后剩男剩女 何为家 我在尘世中穿行 去寻找那份渴望已久的爱情 我相信美好的事物一定存在 哪怕仅是昙花一现 是什么迷失了人们的双眼 是什么让我们宁愿等待 坚信至死不...
谁能给我找一份关于学会生存真爱生命快乐生活的演讲稿老师们,同学们,大家好! 我是乌鲁木齐市高级中学高一(10)班的学生拜合提亚尔。今天我演讲的题目是《美丽的校园我的家》。 在花儿尽相开放的季节里,我来到了高级中学。在这个温馨的...
关于爱情的演讲稿适合高中生的!楼主你好,我发一篇我空间的日志给你,知我个人的见解: 爱一个人 曾经在未涉爱河的时候,总是想像着爱的美丽和爱的甜蜜。终于有一天,我进入到了爱情的角色里…… 爱是有条件的,就算...
急需英文演讲稿主题为what is TRUE loveDating back to ancient days, human beings are seeking true love and everyone has tried to give a definition of true love, but none can convey its implication po...