

01月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Once upon a time a Wolf was lapping at a spring on a hillside, when, looking up, what should he see but a Lamb just beginning to drink a little lower down. 'There's my supper,' thought he, 'if only I can find some excuse to seize it.' Then he called out to the Lamb, 'How dare you muddle the water from which I am drinking?' 'No, master,' said the lamb; 'if the water be muddy up there, I cannot be the cause of it, for it runs down from you to me.' 'Well, then,' said the Wolf, 'why did you call me bad names this time last year?' 'That 's impossible,' said the Lamb; 'I am only six months old.' 'I don't care,' snarled the Wolf; 'if it was not you it must be your father;' and with that he rushed upon the poor little Lamb and .WARRA WARRA WARRA WARRA WARRA .ate her all up. But before she died she gasped out .'Any excuse will serve a tyrant.' 以前有一只狼躺在山边的小溪旁休息。

它抬头一看,看到一只小羊羔在溪流的下方喝水。那只狼想:这就是我的晚餐了。只要我想出一个理由来抓住它。接着他对着小羊羔喊:你怎么胆敢把我正在喝的水弄脏的? “不是啊,狼大人。”小羊羔说:如果你那的水被弄脏了,那肯定不是因为我。毕竟水是从你那流下来到我这里的。 “那好吧”接着大灰狼又说:“为什么去年的这个时候你说我坏话?” “那不可能”小羊羔辩解道:“我才六个月大呢” 我不管,大灰狼嚎叫着:“就算不是你那也肯定是你的父亲”说完,大灰狼就朝着小羊羔扑了过去。



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