[自我介绍演讲稿!要英语的!]Hello everyone, my name is Zhangbing.This is really a great honor to have this opportunity, and I believe I can make good performance today. Now I will introduc...+阅读
My weekend I think everyone will have a busy and interesting weekend. Now, let me introduce my busy weekend to you. On Saturday morning, I am going to the bookstore. I'm going to buy some story-books and a Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionary. I like reading story-books. I find them very interesting. Then I am going home. My home is near the bookstore. So I am going by bike. I like riding my bike. In the evening, I am going to play piano. Playing piano is my hobby. On Sunday morning, I am going to do my homework. Now I am in Grade Six. I want to enter a good middle school next year. So I must study hard. In the afternoon, I am going shopping with my parents and my little brother. My mom says she is going to buy a pair of sneakers for me. I love going shopping. I think all of the girls like going shopping. Am I right. On Sunday evening, I am going back to school by school bus. I love my weekend, how about you? Tell me something about your weekend.
英语作文自我介绍演讲稿good morning, teachers. i am glad to have thechance to introduce myself. my chinese name is yang yiguo.my english name is evan. i am a boy. i am five years old....
以我的理想为题的一篇演讲稿尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学: 大家好! 今天,我要演讲的题目是《我的理想》。 有志者,事竟成。谈到理想我相信许多同学都立下宏大的志愿:有做经理的,有做商人的,有做环保卫士的……然而,我...
以扬起自信的风帆为题写一篇演讲词扬起自信的风帆 在茫茫人生大海中,我们需要一张风帆来作为我们前进的动力,那就是自信。因为我们的心灵是平等的是可以沟通的,因此我们不必自卑。虽然自信与自卑只是一字之差,但...
以一个值得信赖的人为题写一篇演讲稿一个值得信赖的朋友 要说值得信赖的朋友,我举双手选我的好朋友李付慧。 李付慧有一双小眼睛,高鼻子,一张小巧玲珑的嘴巴。说起话来有一点儿“娘娘腔”,属于装可爱型。扎一个高辫...
请你以面对未来为题写一篇演讲稿未来,我都无法想象。 未来的房我诧异于世界上竟会有如此奇妙的转变: 以为会进球却没想到输了; 面对如此的惨象,以为脆弱的你会哭,你却坚强地挺住了; 滑铁卢战役上,生死关头,拿破仑以...
英语作文邀请函公司新产品发布会感谢大家参加例文 Dear Mr.Brook, December,22nd,2008 Above all,thank you for your cooperating these years.Besides,my company HBS will promote a new production and will hold a...
以感恩为题的发言稿怎么写??许多成功人士在谈到自己成功经历时,往往过分强调个人努力因素。事实上,每个登峰 造极的人,都获得过别人的许多帮助。一旦你订出成功目标并且付诸行动之后,你就会发现 自己获得许...
以祖国我爱你为题写一篇演讲稿祖国啊, 我对你的感情就像八戒暗恋嫦娥那样 ...........................................................................................................................
以我爱祖国为题的演讲稿急!急!急!急!急!祖国,我爱你! 小时侯,妈妈对我说:“我们的祖国叫中国。”上学了,老师对我讲:“我们的祖国叫中华人民共和国',我们要爱妈妈一样,更要爱祖国。记得刚上学的时候,我总是羡慕的望着大哥哥...