

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[演讲稿关于房地产开盘的公司领导致辞]尊敬的各位领导、各位嘉宾、先生们、女士们,各位媒体的朋友们: 大家上午好! 今天是我们“XX项目”的开盘典礼,首先我代表XX公司及全体员工对各位的到来,表示热烈的欢迎!!!XX项目自开...+阅读

首先打招呼:Hello,boys and girls / ladies and gentlemem, may I have your attention please? I am glad/honored to stand here to give the speech. 然后大致说明自己要讲的内容:Today, I want to tell you something about .............现在再详细说明你要讲的内容最后:Finally,I hope everyone can learn something from the speech. Thank you again.这是每个演讲稿的大致格局,希望对您有帮助!请及时采纳哦!...


开盘演讲稿设计方各位领导各位朋友: 大家晚上好! 欢迎你们的到来! 今天是个特别值得纪念的日子――2005年8月14日 今天是个特别值得兴奋的日子――2005年8月14日 我要隆重的告诉大家:今天是**1周...

急需一份英语歌曲比赛的主持稿1.May I have your attention, please? The English Evening is about to begin. Please take your seats. Good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow s...

英语歌唱比赛主持稿开头:Hello everybody! let's put our hands together to the contestants of the singing competition. Do give your ultmost support to your friends and all the contes...

英语歌曲比赛主持稿子恩... 在一开始,主持人一般会说:"Good evening/morning, ladies and gentlemen/boys and girls..." 或者是"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the ...Hope you enjoy it!" 最后,就...

英语歌手大赛主持台词翻译 !急 !Dear teachers and students,honored guests,good evening. 尊敬的各位老师 各位来宾 亲爱的同学们 大家晚上好In the season of the winter comes after autumn,we are wel...


速求一篇感恩老师的演讲稿感谢老师 有人说:“老师是位伟大的工程师来哺育学生的心灵。”也有人说:“老师是一杯水来哺育同学们。”而我却认为老师是一缕温暖的阳光,温暖同学们的心田。 老师的爱是看不见...

英文演讲稿怎么写Remember to rite your composition neatly. Advantages of a Job Interview Nowadays, when a person is hunting for a job, there are almost always job interviews. I...

广泛征集英文演讲稿 chance and choice应该怎么写The difference is what happens afterwards. When will you take that infatuation, that crush, that mind-blowing attraction to the next level? That's when all sani...
