[励志电影观后感](一) 充满活力的body,真挚的友情,珍贵的亲情,令人忍俊不禁的小聪明,热烈的舞蹈,动人的歌声,还有关于嫉妒关于代沟。年轻的一切都在展现。有着美好而可以预料的没有任何惊喜的结局。...+阅读
I have a lot of desire can not be completed, if I am a Harry Potter, then I will certainly be able to do.
If I were Harry Potter, I will use my magic magic let human moon, the moon live and work in peace and to create an artificial atmosphere, surrounded by the moon. Laughter on the moon, humans, animals, all people are peaceful coexistence. In this way, the Earth is no longer so many buildings, and roads are more wide, rivers, sea water is also not have to worry about dried up, because the moon have enough water for our use, rapid extinction of some animals will not be human hunting, and human in space, a number of pollution-free green plants, for human use, the development of drugs on the moon than on Earth to develop more effective to overcome the medical field of incurable diseases, treatment of incurable disease. Between Earth and the moon has a track, through Checkpoint, which is very convenient, fast.
If I were Harry Potter, I could use divine power to create Lord of the Rings, put it, could have injured people in the immediate recovery, so that annoying busy people immediately forget the gloom, some soul bad people, it will immediately bring repentance. There is also a Lord of the Rings battle, fighting for use, if foreign invasion, and will be brought to stealth fighters, for more effective actions against the enemy, and the force will increase indefinitely.
If I were Harry Potter, I will eat insects machines and found that pest,捉走immediately,吞进belly, and then out into fertilizer, as an emissary to protect crops.
If I were Harry Potter, I will ------
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