

01月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com


[追风筝的人读后感(英文)]I hate wars which make the world bloody ,cold and cruel, so I do not want to talk about the war. But it is miraculous to see a kite is cut off by another one. And the kite which is cut off flies away like a free bird. Hassan said to Amir that for you, one thousand times over. At first, I tought the friendship between Hassan and Amir was so deep. But then I found that Hassan was a servant in Amir's home and began to realize it is some kind of loyalty. Though Hassan always said that Amir treated him as a friend, deep in his mind, he did not put them on the same line. In his eyes, Amir is the person he should look up to and protect, even do whatever he can do to help. Amir was affluence in material, but he did not have friends because of his race. I dislike him because he always ran away when Hassan was hurted by the others in order to protect him. In my opinion, if he stand up fo Hassan, things would have been different. I could not understand why Amir cheated to make Hassan leave at first, though their “friendship” is complicated. Now I come to know that Amir may try to push Hassan out of the position as a servant. And he wished that they stand in the same line and Hassan can chase for the things wanted by himself. Though Amir's father said that a boy who won't stand up for himself, becomes a man who won't stand for anything, Amir finally turned into a brave man who standed up for Sohrab, the son of Hassan. The kite tied Hassan and Amir tighter tighly. When I saw Hassan running after the kite, I realized that he was chasing for freedom as well. However when I saw Hassan running after the kite, I thought he was learning to protect things he cherished. There are many kites we are willing to have, but do you have the courage to chase for them? 〔追风筝的人读后感(英文)〕随文赠言:【这世上的一切都借希望而完成,农夫不会剥下一粒玉米,如果他不曾希望它长成种粒;单身汉不会娶妻,如果他不曾希望有孩子;商人也不会去工作,如果他不曾希望因此而有收益。


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