[人与自然的观后感200多字谢谢啦]《人与自然》观后感 这个寒假,我在家中与蜘蛛邂逅了,是一场让我难忘的碰面。 在四四方方的电视机中,我看见蜘蛛妈妈产下了一大窝的小蜘蛛,小蜘蛛们还未苏醒,蜘蛛妈妈静静地守候着...+阅读
As we all know, Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (kongfz.com)is a famous detective novels, which is composed by many stories of Sherlock Holmes. Adventure ⅡThe Yellow Face told us a strange story and theme: a gentleman called Jack Munro wanted Sherlock Holmes help him to solve a puzzling problem between his wife and him. The husband Jack found his wife Effie always does some eccentric things. And Sherlock Holmes succeeded in solving it by his wisdom. The protagonists of Adventure ⅡThe Yellow Face, (in my opinion, are Jack and Holmes. At the beginning of the story, Mr. Doyle writes: “There's been a gentleman here asking for you, sir”, said our page-boy.” (kongfz.com) And when the husband Jack is telling his story, Mr. Holmes also asked Jack many sharp and puzzling questions, which leads this passage to the climax. Second, as to antagonists of this passage, I think, are his wife Effie and the mysterious child. The story described his wife Effie went outside in the midnight secretly, which caused Jack very disturbed and restless. Arthur Conan Doyle writes: “She was deadly pale and breathing fast, glancing furtively towards the bed, as she fastened her metal, to see if she had disturbed me.” (kongfz.com)It obviously gives readers and Mr. Holmes conflicts, also makes the story developing naturally. With the development of the story, another antagonist comes out, who is the yellow face. In the story: “I don't know what there was about that face, Mr. Holmes, but it seemed to send a chill right down my back.” (kongfz.com) Many conflicts between husband and wife, Jack and the yellow face, give readers the image of unexpected fear and tension. Analyzing this famous detective novels, we can find that Mr. Doyle introduces the feature and habits of husband—Jack by his amber pipe. Certainly, it is described in logical deduction of Sherlock Holmes. After appearing of Jack, the story is gradually told by Jack. When Jack is discussing his wife's behavior with Holmes, it comes to exciting climax. And when Holmes decided to solve this problem with Jack, the story is coming to peak. After all the doubts are solved, the story comes to the end. “Well, I should put the original cost of the pipe at seven and six pence. Now it has, you see, been twice mended, once in the wooden stem and once in the amber, each of these mends, done, as you observe. With silver bands, must have cost more than the pipe did originally. The man must value the pipe highly when he prefers to patch it up rather than buy a new one with the same money.” (kongfz.com) When readers read it , we have to appreciate the wisdom of Sherlock Holmes, and want to read the future story, which gives the story a beautiful and charming beginning. In the detective novels, we have to mention a literary technique—fore shadowing. Adventure ⅡThe Yellow Face, expect the end, we can see this important skill everywhere. “Jack says: 'I wanted your advice Sir, I don't know what to do and my whole life seems to have gone to pieces.'” kongfz.com) And Mr. Doyle writes the story of Effie: “'No, no Jack, for God's sake!' she gasped, in uncontrollable emotion. Then, as I approached the door, she seized my sleeve and pulled me back with convulsive strength.” All these give hints to future unexpected actions and story, which also attract the reader's attention to next page. The other literary technique is his point of view---1st person. Actually, Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes is written in the memory of Watson. Watson tells about the story of Sherlock Holmes—his best friend. Adventure ⅡThe Yellow Face totally is the classic of represents of Sherlock Holmes detective novels. When you are reading these detective novels, you will feel the power of Sherlock Holmes and also appreciate his unbelievable wisdom and deductions. 福尔摩斯侦探小说中的《黄面人》,故事比较简单而且有英文版
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