study notes "Rubin Sun drifting" is a story about the birth of bourgeois family at the sea despite Rubin SUN the risks and father of three sea against doing business in Brazil established plantations. Restless nature prompted him to plantations entrusted to friends, again from Brazil to Africa to catch merchant. While merchant hurricane, ran aground and sank all staff on board died, Rubin Sun only one man survived. He drifted at sea to South America a wasteland, with their wisdom and courage the use of residues in the ship breaking all the material and tools to build shelter, grow food, domesticated animals and manufacture tools, sewing clothes, many logging and do a boat, trying to return to the mainland. Once, a group of eating from the hands of indigenous people rescued a savage, and named him as "Friday" Rubin said Sun teach him English, to spread Christianity, "Friday" as his faithful servant and friend. Later, they help a mutiny by the crew to abandon the captain, Qiao Shi plot, recapturing the vessel. Rubin Sun finally ended his 28-years of isolated life, to return to his homeland. Read "Rubin Sun Crusoe" I read the Sun Rubin never met, and she never never believe in fate. he is a GDP of actors, he will own thinking into practical action, This is the young people we are missing, nowadays, many young people can do nothing but talk to his ideals and aspirations, pay very little action. Rubin, Sun's father Brad Pitt used his educational philosophy, he satisfied with the status quo, not to go out to sea, But Rubin Sun has in the hearts of the strength of a mystery about him, so he formed, determined to cast aside the carefree life of the sea to make their fortunes. Rubin Sun's pioneering and enterprising spirit of the contemporary young people are not, is worthy of all of us to learn. Think of the "Brad Pitt" I was thinking of myself, I often "Brad Pitt" from the comfort, read "Rubin Sun Crusoe," I am deeply aware of his own shortcomings, while Rubin Sun's spirit and will also enable the firm to my own strengths make up for our own short-determination.
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