
求英文的傲慢与偏见观后感 200 300个词

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[珍惜生命善待生命观后感]有幸观看了"珍惜生命.善待生命”安全教育宣传片,一幅幅卡通图片生动形象的诠释着如何呵护生命、珍惜生命、善待生命,给我和孩子强烈的震撼和很深的教育。 ——安全关乎生命,生命...+阅读

When Hollywood adapts, we get Bewitched and The Dukes of Hazzard. When the British film industry adapts, we get Shakespeare and Austen. This explains why there is another version of Pride & Prejudice to be digested. And, while nothing will come close to matching the 1995 BBC-TV version, Joe Wright's 2005 adaptation is arguably the best Pride & Prejudice one can make with a two-hour time limit. Kudos to screenwriter Deborah Moggach (and her uncredited script doctor, Emma Thompson) for selecting the perfect cuts to Austen's novel without gutting the heart and themes or making the production seem rushed. While I'll stop short of calling this movie "magical," I have no problem labeling it as very good. Anyone who has interest in the movie probably knows the story, so I'll keep the recap short. Pride & Prejudice tells of the romance between the smart, sassy Elizabeth Bennet (Kiera Knightley) and the handsome, reticent Mr. Darcy (Matthew MacFadyen). At their initial meeting, they leave mutually unfavorable impressions but, as events continually bring them together, their opinions change. Darcy falls first, then hamstrings himself with an insulting marriage proposal. But, as he makes amends, Elizabeth finds herself falling for him. The book contains numerous sublplots, all of which have either been truncated or eliminated for this version. The relationship between Mr. Bingley (Simon Woods) and Jane Bennet (Rosamund Pike) remains, but in a condensed form, and only because it is necessary to the fabric of the central love story. Also suffering greatly is the character of Wickham (Rupert Friend), who appears in only two scenes. (I never liked him or that aspect of the novel, anyway.) The impact of Wickham's character (running off with Lydia Bennet, then marrying her after Darcy buys him off) is more important than his presence. Most of the rest of Pride & Prejudice is left intact, and much of Austen's dialogue is retained. Wright and Moggach add an epilogue that may annoy Austen purists - it's not from the book, but it's in keeping with Austen's style and represents a good way to conclude the film. (Although I daresay no one would take such liberties with one of Shakepeare's plays.) Kiera Knightley makes a dazzling Lizzie, on par with Jennifer Ehle's interpretation


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